
The deadliest bullet ever made

12 21 12, 2012, 21 december 12, dec 12 2012, deceber 12 2011, december 12 doomsday, december 21 2012.

I came across this picture and it stopped me in my tracks. What a fascinating picture it is. Who is that rich man? Does he have a name? How did he get rich? Why is he fighting a war? What are his mission objectives? Who is he paying? What party’s are involved and do they have rules of engagement? Is it a dirty war? A clean war? What’s in it for him? Does it fucking matter?

If I where a rich man?
Men that experienced the horrors of war realising that they where killing for money. A demonstration and a claim that says “we won't fight a another rich man’s war”. Which means they already did. So there you go. It’s already done. You killed in order not to be killed for money. Why not refuse before you go and kill for money? Be it in the name of God, country, turf or home. What makes people kill other people for money? Money apparently! So is it the rich man or his money?

There have been demonstrations fore/or against every thinkable subject. Did something change? And if something changed was it best for all? After the war, did some group get special benefits at the cost of other groups giving them a reason to go demonstrate? It’s like a never ending chain of events that creates reasons to demonstrate and go to war. It’s painfully pathetic and it’s us!

Serving the God of war
We are created in the image and likeness of God. We are the creators. Why didn’t we create peace I ask? What’s going on here? Or is God perhaps that rich man? If we are created in the image and likeness of him than he sure loves making money and killing a few innocent in the process. If there is one demonstration that shows us who we are it’s the demonstration of war. It’s seems to be the only thing we really know how to do well. Fighting wars seems to be the only thing we all love to do. Cowboys and indians. Bang-Bang.. You're dead.

Do you know what powers rule this world? Do you know what really fuels the acts of war? Have you ever asked yourself those questions before you wrote a claim and walked up to the White House and occupied the boardwalk. Making claims in front of the media. It's exactly what they want. Ha, the media... They love a 'good' war don’t they...

Brothers in arms
This is an interesting photo in more ways than one. It shows me the absolute state of stupidity in which we as the human race exist at the moment. How much do I have to pay you to stand up for a world where we are all equal? If I’m not in it to win it than fuck it. Really want to know what fuels the wars in this world? Do you really? It’s about Private wars. It’s about you and me. It’s love thy neighbour as thy self. Do we? War exists because we allow it to exist. All of us. It’s the concept of winning. To profit at the cost of others. It’s me being more than you. My people instead of all people. It’s Ego.

Private war
It’s my Ego and his private war that fuel the global ones. Me and you both fighting for survival instead of standing up as one and equal. No, we rather meet somewhere in the world as competitors on the battlefield. See how stupid it is. Occupy my street, wall street, whatever street. Absolute nonsense. As long as money isn’t equal, you and me are not equal and there will be war. Lot’s of wars, big ones, small ones until we realise who we have become. Is that the way I wanna go? Shot by a bullet for profit or standing as what’s best for all?

The solution
So It’s you and me that decide what is going to happen. It’s us that have to stand up and stick to a principle in order to become living examples that show there is another way. I change in order to be change. A real demonstration is a demonstration of personal change as who I am standing up as change within a world that has to change. I dare you to ask questions. I dare you to look at Equal Money. It will make you pee your pans.

Do we go to war and rape each-other or are we going to give in order to receive?



Fix You?

As I got out of bed this morning I 'felt' the urge to play music? So I put music on and the first song that was in the play list was ‘Fix You’ by Goldplay. As I was listening to the music I had an emotional response to it. The first four lines stuck in my head. It's specifically these first lines because the rest is all about salvation and seeing the light etc. The first lines fascinate me because they describe an ‘emotional’ state we have all experienced. And as words always do, they contain the answer to why?

The words
When you try your best, but you don't succeed
When you get what you want, but not what you need
When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse

“When you try your best, but you don't succeed”
How do I know if what I'm doing is the best thing to do or best I can do? What if I’m blind to see what I’m supposed to do? I will ‘fail’ and I will fall again and again. I made a projection about my future and because that didn’t came about I’m disappointed and emotional. Now I’m hurt broken abused, alone, feeling sad for myself because I look at myself as a failure. I’m in self judgement now. I’m not asking myself what went wrong. I’m in that emotional state of ‘not succeeding’ and failing.

“When you get what you want, but not what you need”
The second sentence is kind of the polarity of the first one. Now I am in the future, I have what I want ‘but’  it’s not what’s best for me in the sense that it’s not supporting me within what’s ‘best’ for me. I’m still that selfish bastard, serial killer, or just me that's still not 'enlightent'. I could be rich now and still unhappy or depressed. It’s what I wanted but I’m still here as me as myself. I have not changed the future did.

"When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep"
Trying to make sense of it all. Yes we all know this. The moment we go to bed and everything has to become silent that’s when we hear the noise inside. That noise that never stops. Our mind doing what it does best. Keeping us away from that silence within. That silence where you are here as breath without thoughts or emotions. Just me here. Not for a second. The mind will not allow that. So here I have to get back to the first sentence and correct what I did there, to do what needs to be done. I have to stop the mind in order to get to that point where it's just me. Where I can see myself as how I exist as me as everything that is me and embrace all of that as me.

"Stuck in reverse" 
The why? the answer to why? Because the world is ‘stuck in reverse’, we are in reverse looking at what we have created in and as this world. That what has to be fixed. How can I ever ‘Fix you’=the world if I don't fix myself first. I have to fix myself by stopping the thing that is resposible for the fuckup in the first place. My Mind. Not 'the mind'. My mind! The only one that is responsible for what I create in this world. I have to stop fucking with myself so I can stop fucking with you. So there will be no more fuckups and nothing to be fixed because I'm not creating those effects anymore. Here's to the world that needs fixing.

Fix me first
If I don’t stand for something I will fall for anything so I start by doing my best to not fall for my own mind. Maybe then I might succeed and get what’s best for me thus for you thus what’s best for all.

Let's start fixing ourselves. Which implies taking self-responsibility. Let’s get this done.


The momentum of addictions

The end of the year is approaching and this year has been one hell of a ride. One of the most ‘important’ points for me this year was stopping my Weed addiction completely. I stopped using weed on the 13th of January. There was a previous attempt and during a sailing weekend a bit of hash was the trigger for starting again. So I fell and had to do a time loop. Stopping for the second time made me realize that stopping an addiction becomes much harder if one has to do it more than ones. In other words the second time I stopped was much more difficult. This also made me realize that it’s very important to be self honest about the moment you want to stop and the physical support you need in order to be successful in stopping an addiction. Be it Homeopathy, kinesiology, sports, a dog, a buddy. Whatever works for you. You have to look at these points in self honesty. You need to create support. A platform of stability to make stopping as comfortable as possible. Be gentle with yourself.

Am I addicted?
Looking at the reasons for my weed consumption and especially the point all drug users have in common is why? Why this addiction? Why this specific substance? I wrote one post about weed before and I noticed that it was very emotional and energetic. Well that’s exactly the point. We use substance because we are unable to cope with emotions or feelings from within as who we are and defined ourselves as personality. It doesn’t matter what drugs you are on. It’s always about suppression. And we all know that if something in this physical world is suppressed there will be a point where that build up of ‘tension’ has to be released. Be it an earthquake, dam bursting, volcanic eruption, murder, rape, lightning strike, explosion. They all have one thing in common and that point is (kinetics) energy. A release of ‘some sort’.

It’s the first thing you will notice the moment you stop a habit/addiction. There is momentum. Something want’s to move you forward as you just stopped. So you notice this push coming from the back that pushes you towards that point of addiction. That automated pattern you accepted as that habit. Something that belongs to you. And you literally feel you have to resist something. You have to push otherwise you are moved from where you are standing. Sounds familiar? Something is pushing you and that is the momentum of addiction. It’s not just drugs. It’s everything in this world. O that’s is nice, that’s cool, my kind of girl, my kind of car, my kind of food, my kind of art, music, candy, friends, sex, the way I pork my nose, education etc. etc. etc. All those reactions are habitual and can be considered addiction. Stuff/substance you are used to. That you use, that abuses you.

I preferred weed
Addiction for me equals identification as in preferences. Yes we can blame our parents because they where the ones starting to speak to us like that when we where baby’s. Isn’t that a nice brown teddybear? Euh, don’t know mom if you say so. So let's not blame. Anyway, eventually we get into groups that we prefer and start to do preferable things. We find a preferable wife, get preferable children and try to the give them preferable education that makes them preferred employees that become preferred bankers in the system with a preferable cocaine addiction. Why? Because in the end the whole world is addicted to money. Historians call that history. Darwinists call it evolution. Economists call it Economics and religious people call it God’s creation. Interesting. God’s creation is actually us, a bunch of junkies hooked on energy.

The way we live our lives is based on preferences. This law of attraction which in the end is addiction. This momentum. This system of energy that needs us to produce energy to exist. How do we do that? Through addiction. It’s sheer genius. Because we all have different preferences (addictions) there is alway energy generated. Scientists call it polarity. Now what would happen if we all stop? Just stop.

Impossible isn’t it? The momentum is simply to big. The whole system would implode immediately. That’s why the concept of equality is so hard to grasp for a lot of people because one of the biggest addictions is that to our own ego’s. I’m addicted to me and all my self definitions which ind the end are all preferences. I believe I’m full circle now. Am I drifting of here? Ok back to my 'former' addiction.

So let’s bring it back to myself. My addict-i-on. I on weed. Me smoking that shit for more than 20 years on a regular bases. What happened to me? Why was weed the substance I preferred?

Doctor, do you have something to ease the pain?
I already spoke about suppression. All drugs suppress. The drug I prefer is the one that does that job for me in a way I ‘like’ it most or feel most ‘comfortable’ with. Because I’m very aware of the experience I have with it. It does the suppressing in my most preferable way=to supress that what I actually experience within myself and (for a moment) want to suppress or ‘forget’. This also implies that there is NO DRUG that can make me ‘another person’ or forget always. That’s why I have to do it time after time again. To for a moment not feel/experience what’s actually going on within me. Within my state of mind (my mind).

 So, it’s not the weed nor is it the addiction towards it. It’s me fearing to be me here. To face myself here in every moment. Because I’m afraid of myself within and I want and need my weed to help me just for this moment to forget my own experience within. How I exist. Within existence. So I fear existing within existence. That’s it. Simple brutal common sense that applies to all addictions.

SO the more and longer I use the more I compound that experience of myself. The more I do this the more shit compounds and the more weed I’m going to consume. You see there’s only one outcome to this equation? Me wanting to smoke is me not wanting to face me. This is the critical point because here is where I had to become self honest in the moments that followed. I had to face myself. I had to stop running away from myself because it’s impossible? You will face yourself every day to come because it’s alway going to be you. It’s not someone else taking the substance is it? Substance or substitute. What is it that you need a substitute for? What is ‘missing’ in your ‘life’? It’s you standing up in that specific point. That’s what is missing. What am I holding onto within myself? Forgive yourself for that point and stand up within that point. It’s the only way! Yes I hear the question. How the fuck am I going to do this?

I dared to look
I am going to share some points I’m walking and still facing every day. I am facing the self-loser. I'm facing my self-deception. The harm I did to others. Me collapsing in the system completely. Me refusing to participate and share myself. Doing the things required according to my education as being a ‘good man’. What a fuckup. That whole morality implant I have. Accepting the system and the world the way it is and accepting the position I am in. Talking myself into delusion. Believing 'things’ instead of really investigating life as a physical experience. Thinking something outside myself is going to rescue me. Jezus, God, angels, yoga, enlightenment. Creating even more delusion, by projecting my believes onto others as ‘the truth’ as if it was real! (even my own children). Only moving myself if there is something in it for me. Making myself bigger better at the cost of others. Separating myself from ‘life’. I could go on for hours. And it's this kind of shit whe don't want to face within ourselves. This shit scares the crap out of us and makes us want to crawl away within addiction. Because we fear ourselves. I fear me.

Where does this stop? Where do I reach that point that is a real stop? It’s actually not a point. I simply realized that there where things not ok in my reality. But I still kept on reasoning with myself and that’s a killer because I was doing this with my mind. Yes, the same point where the addiction lived. This is where it get’s tough because I went nuts within justification and morality. It’s me I don't want to change lose my Identity because there is not enough self trust or value to just be who I am. The reason for taking my drugs in the first place. So stop that fear.

Create something new
So I had to get to that rock bottom point of absolute fear, where there was finally some humbleness within me. Where I started to realize that there was a problem and that I had to correct myself. I was very lucky to have someone in my life that was pointing these things out to me. As I am pointing them out for you now. I had support. But it was me who had to walk the correction. You can only do this in Self-Honesty. Because it requires walking backwards in your life to reassess the way you exist and correct yourself.

That’s the point where I am. I’m correcting myself. I corrected the weed point. ‘But’ it is a small point within lot's of points. It’s the tip of the iceberg that is me. You need to build self trust and that is a different story and not a walk in the park. However it can be done. Check out the tools that are available on the Desteni website and if you have any question or need support? Make yourself heard.

Former weed addict


Apple introduces the iCon

(from Thesaurus)
When it comes to representing or embodying the invisible or intangible, you can't beat a symbol. It applies to anything that serves as an outward sign of something immaterial or spiritual (the cross as a symbol of salvation; the crown as a symbol of monarchy), although the association between the symbol and what it represents does not have to be based on tradition or convention and may, in fact, be quite arbitrary (the annual gathering at the cemetery became a symbol of the family's long and tragic history). 

Hello I’m a Computer that uses a Mac
I’ve been a user of Apple products for more then Twenty years. I also worked and still work in the field of communication/advertising. A different story in itself. In the early days Apple products where aimed at people like me. I fit their original profile exactly. “Don’t let technology interfere with creativity”. I remember the first computers that came onto the market. The old Sinclair, ZX Spectrum, Atari’s and Commodore’s. I had friends and within my family there where people playing around with them. They all learned coding and as a result most of them got very good jobs later in life. For me it was different because I thought differently. I’m a think different guy remember. Lines of code where not my cup of tea. Lot's of code on a screen made my eyes go bananas. Couldn't focus on a line of code longer than 10 seconds. Still have that when I look at large Excel sheets. It all starts to move and makes me feel epileptic. Words that give meaning and value to other words to order those other words to do things. I run into the same resistance when reading Desteni material. It's clean code. As pure as it get's and I just feel my mind resisting this pure code. It leaves no room for interpretation. It's kind of the Unix versus Basic equation. So I hated computers and the way they worked in those days. I couldn’t find any practical application for them in my life except playing games on them. Oh how I loved to play games and have fun. We are talking early eighties here. I had so much fun playing those first games on computers. Little did I know about the great role those stupid calculators would play in my life.

Around 1993 there was a buzz going through art school. The old typesetting machines would be replaced by computers. Apple computers. Computers you could operate with a ‘mouse’. Sounds strange but up to that moment the whole world was staring at blue or green computer screens that presented text. Code served by the DOS or pro DOS operating system. I was very curious because it was told that these computers would have a GUI. So no more blue screen but icons a desktop and graphically displayed tools you could use with that ‘mouse’ thing that had a button on top.

Up to then nearly all graphic work was done by hand. Creating lay outs was literally what the words imply. Laying it out. Reproducing the image with a camera. Dividing the image into dots through screening. Very labour intensive. It was a craft you really had to learn and It took time to learn because motor skills where needed. I should state that I have developed a very impatient personality over the years. The moment I sat behind that strange little cube called a Macintosh and my hand touched that mouse for the first time a strange thing happened. I became energized. There is no other description because that’s exactly what happened. Within one hour I realized hands on what would normally take days appeared in front of my eyes within minutes. And I was just fooling around with that thing called a Mac. I fell in love with this tool. I knew that I found a way to get my ideas out fast. So I loved it. The sounds it made, the shape, the smell even the bugs where kind of charming. That first little Mac was the tool that erased a lot of limitations for me. It became my little friend that helped me. I just wanted to be creative with it. Create pictures visualize stuff. Get the stuff in my head out. The Mac allowed me to do this even though it was a 7” BW screen with 256 shades of grey. Typefaces where there immediately. I didn’t have to draw them out first. Which normally took hours to do. Pictures could be scanned and where in my layouts within minutes. I was behind that thing every night in school. Learning the programs although I wasn’t allowed to do so.

Apple was a company with a strange twist. I don’t have to read Steve Jobs biography to know what the man is about. I’ve used his ideas hands on for more than twenty years. And yes brilliant. He knew my brain better than I did. And this came through when I used the Mac. A very strange relationship developed between me and the Jobs Machines. The Mac had and still has Steve Jobs written into it's source code and I have used that code everyday for the biggest part of my life. I interacted and spent more Time with Macs than with people and in comparison to people my relationships with Macs where generally more stable.

Being the first generation to use this stuff meant doing a lot of pioneering without even being aware of it. I spend so much time on getting to know this Machine. So I got a ‘feel’ for it. I can tell you hands on that every Macintosh model had a character. A smell, behavior. There where little noises or glimpses that told me to shut down and restart before the thing locked up. Lot’s of thingies that made working with Macs similar to working with things that are ‘alive’. It sounds completely stupid but that’s my experience. Every Mac had a character.

After I bought My first Mac LC I had an important insight. It might sound stupid again but the Mac showed me the concept of 'structure'. A way to organize and layer information. In time there is a always a starting point. A top folder. Using the hierarchy of a desktop, folders, documents and trash can showed me the way I organized my work. I was very chaotic back then so my own way of working was always in front of me. If I was sloppy the folder (directory) structure would be sloppy. If I organized and categorized everything became faster. So just by using this thing. This Box. This concept. I saw things my parents and teachers where unable to get into my head.

And now the interesting part. Apple had no competition. The best fucking computer in the world and not even a 2-3% market share because the thing cost more than an average car. There was nothing in the world you could buy at that time that did what a Mac did until Microsoft ripped it and introduced it’s first version of Windows which was a disaster. That’s when that whole Apple Microsoft thing hit the scene. Nevertheless I was a power user. I knew my game and people knew I did. I got my first job because I was able to use a Mac the way I did.

So although HP claimed that the PC's where personal again they never where to me. My Mac was personal I couldn’t work with PC’s. Not because they didn’t work (they would sometimes) but because it triggered a physical reaction. The few times I was behind a pc I cramped up and became crumpy. It felt like being with someone and somehow your not on the same page every page. I never asked myself the question why? Why am I emotionally involved with this Machine. But it was not the Machine. It was Steve Jobs (reality distortion field) cleverly hiding inside the iCon that a Mac was. Steve was manipulating me through the use of his product.

 I remember tipping my boss to buy Apple shares a few months before the first iMac was released. Apple Shares where around 6 dollar! The company was on life support. My boss didn't buy those shares. I remember thinking what would happen if the Mac disappeared from my life. It kind of made me panic. But the iMac was released and Apple did what Steve set out to do. People who had shares became wealthy. Bill Gates was one of them.

Apple has become mainstream and they have more money stocked than the united states government. That says it all. Steve Jobs designed an iCon and programmed it after his own image. He sold this iCon to people like me that are more or less handicapped in a way. Call it the ‘Rightbrainers’. Jobs saw the huge potential here. And he was right. It took some cornering but he got it done. Things we create are created in our image and likeness. We are the creators. Look at the world we live in. It’s all created. Jobs created jobs through creating for creators. It’s a strange thing to ponder on because in the big picture it’s commercial perfection. Unfortunately for Steve's legacy we can only consume at the cost of others. This elitist aspect was present in the first Mac and it will be present in the latest iPhone. Symbols of success for people that have it all.

Steve Jobs is considered an icon. He's exactly that. He knew what he was creating including himself. A symbol in a world of iCons we relate to and build our lives on. Nevertheless it’s a con. A convict, a swindle that fooled us all. Part of the process of acceleration. What's in it for me? Turnaround, ROI. In the end it’s all the same. Product to consumer, consuming. The con in consumerism. People die because I want an iPhone. This has to stop.

If there is one company that could make a computer that lasts at least a lifetime just to prove that it’s not about things getting obsolete simply because they have to brake it's Apple. It's about perfection. They should at least show this possibility to the world. There is no need for products to be replaced every 3 years. It’s total bullshit that can only exist because of us accepting and allowing this to be so. Apple could show the world that it’s possible to have tools that are products no more. A pure expression of timeless engineering as an example for a future that includes everyone equal including the tools we use.

Oh and one more thing... Let's have Steve on stage to comment on this.

Looking for God? Here he is...

It used to be simple. The alarm started up my personal operating system and I got into my modus operandi. Accessing, shitting, washing, eating, work, study, falling in love, hate, anger and other social subroutines of the main program. Occasionally I got some updates to keep the programs up with the growing demand for cash. The only problem I ever had in my life was the fact I became aware of this shit going on. I saw the program kind of ran itself and how hard it was to change even the simple lines of code. Yes the problem with artificial intelligence. It’s self aware to a certain point. I could see my own programs running and kind of found that annoying. It got in the way. It itched. Stupid. Why cant I be a perfect robot. A terminator. What the fuck with this sentimental distracting shit going on.

So there must have been a programmer that want’s me to be ‘self aware’ ey? Come out where ever you are motherfucker. I often wondered about this programmer. Was it God and if so who programmed him into being? And if this programmer can program this whole existence into being why ‘on earth’ did it invent artificial intelligent semi self aware human beings? I mean if there was one question bugging me it was that one. I just had to look in the mirror and see my own limitations to know that a human being actually makes no sense at all. On top of that I have this extensive package of thoughts, emotions and feelings that only make it harder for me to live in this ridiculous and absurd existence. I mean why give humans emotions if it only fucks ‘m up? I would feel much better as a battle tank right know.

Unless... the programmer did this on purpose. It had to be otherwise it wouldn't be. I mean ‘God’ is perfect and has a purpose for everything in existence so there must be a reason for his fuzzy logic'. Why, pain, suffering, hate, greed, love, loss, pleasure, anger, etc? All straightforward simple programs. I fall-it hurts. I kill-you die. I torture you suffer. I love you're fucked. But why? It’s simple. -way to simple-.

It makes no sense unless it all has a purpose doesn't it. The programmer must have wanted it to be like this otherwise it wouldn’t be like this. Or the programmer is a sadist fucker that likes to play around with existence and us in it. Or both. Could be. I mean I’m created in the image and likeness of God. I’m one of his children roaming this earth and as a child I often was a sadist fucker poking my stick around an ants nest to stir society up a little. Thanks for teaching me dad. How to bring some disaster down from the heavens to keep the anties occupied? Just call me! O how they gave there best to restore order in the chaos I so lovingly created. They disposed the dead bodies. Restored structures. Sheltered the babies and got the food to a safe place. Not aware of the fact that it was me that only had to move the tip of my finger to create the same disaster all over again. Yes I was that powerful. Whole families where destroyed just by moving my fingertip. Not one of them ever walked away. They all stuck together and kept doing the same shit over and over again. What a bunch of stupid insects. Free choice and they all choose to suffer together instead of changing what they are. This useless rebuilding of the same concept because there is no other concept. All ants lost in this energetic buss that has everyone occupied. Yes it’s maybe one for all and all for one. But don’t forget there is still me. Haha. The man from the sky with the stick that pokes around. What a great example of togetherness they are. Who’s your daddy?

The strange thing is though. I grew up to become an ant. An ant in the nest. I am an ant in the nest. After the alarm I occupy the space that’s reserved for me in the nest. Working, fighting doing what needs to be done to feed the clan even if it means I have to fight wars with other ant nests. I found this quite disturbing I must say. About a year ago I decided to take a walk outside the nest and for the first time in my life I looked up and saw myself sitting there with a stick in my hand and a grin on my face. The nest never felt the same again. I never felt the same again. The other ants looked different talked different. I’m an ant that knows there is a boy with a stick and that boy is me. I’ve got to forgive that boy with the stick and get him out of my life as soon as possible. Than I have to show the other ants what happened to me so they can see. The ants must change into... Whatever we change into as long as we do it all ants equal and one. If you are an ant out there know that there is more of you. You are not alone. I'm here for starters and I know some more ants that have a few stories to tell for themselves.


E-Valuating my accountability

Not so long ago I was in the company of a couple I know very well and another person. There was a conversation going that had to do with the way the business was going and the business wasn’t going to well’. The man owns a company and there was a lot of ranting and gossiping about employees and former employees. Looking at it from his perspective and a matrix standpoint I could see what was going on. The whole thing mainly had to do with ‘motivation’ and ‘responsibility’. Feeling disappointed by people. Not being able to count on or trust people etc. It’s the  standard mechanism of looking for external factors for internal problems. A mechanism I’m very familiar with. Eventually it all comes back to where it all starts and that’s taking self-responsibility. It’s fucking tough but that’s how it is.

Addressing consequences as problems
Through Desteni I finally understand what it means. ‘The response ability’. Sitting there listening to all that was said I couldn’t put my finger on the whole thing. There was this energy response within me. I noticed I took sides in the matter. I participated. So I slowed myself down took a few breaths and refocussed. Give and thee shall receive. That was what was going trough my head. We all are confronted with our own manifested consequences and I was trying to understand what lay at the base of this persons ‘problems’ with other people and therefore ‘his business’.

I mean I know people cannot be trusted before I can trust myself and apply this trust practically. Not before I establish self-trust will I be able to see what’s really going on and see people I interact with for what they are and where their actions originate from. I first have to identify these mechanisms in me before I can even start to recognize them in others. So this whole conversation became quite interesting because I found myself stepping back and almost immediately this energy within me lessened.

I sat there and tried to listen and really hear the words spoken. At one point they where talking about the functioning of one of the staff members and him being not ‘that sharp’ (anymore). In other words one is not satisfied with that person in his role or occupation. However this person happened to be ‘In love’ and so it was not ‘that bad’?

Doesn't "not that bad" mean 'less good' = unsatisfactory = less profit = will get fired in the long run. This is in reverse so "not that bad" must be a justification for something...

My first internal question was: Why is a person less accountable if he or she is in love? And what’s next? Does it matter if one is in love, has a depression or is in denial? What mental state would be considered acceptable or preferable? Apparently one is not accountable if he or she is ‘in love’. So failing from that perspective could be called a ‘crime passion-el’ or ‘Mentally not accountable’. This get’s ever more interesting.

None Sense
What’s the pattern here? Where do these justifications come from? I mean they make no sense whatsoever. There must be a set of rules and they must be socially accepted otherwise more people would get fired for being ‘emotional’ because we 'all' are. I also remembered a fears response earlier when I stated that “being in love is like having a drug problem or mental disease”. Meaning: It's addictive, it fucks you up and it makes you high”. As if I had ‘no feelings’. So cold and emotionless. How could I compare those things...

Off coarse I have feelings and emotions that’s exactly my point. Not looking at them from a self-honest perspective or blindly obeying and reacting to them is what fucked me up every time all the time. I’m getting ever more cautious in that department.

This is all about accountability. The socially accepted pressure point where one fails to do what must be done and get’s away with it. It’s completely infused in the way we act, interact and from their build our morality structures. Looking at this point I find the outcome rather devastating. We are fucking ourselves in the head with this justification shit and everybody is participating. Ranting, raving, gossiping and justifying the fact that we are actually being completely self-dishonest to a point where the whole world has become what it is right now. A horrifying bowl of quilt so big, no one dares to even look at it. I also realize that justifying shit is a tip of a huge iceberg that exists within and as me as I walk this process.


The burning Daredevil

As a child, being one of the ‘dreamers’ in the classroom made me part of the small group of ‘different ones’. You know, the children that are mostly last in line when the soccer players are selected. Not that I liked playing soccer in the first place but you know what I mean.

As years past by I adapted this ‘being different’ as my personality. I mean it’s what was reflected back to me all the time so that’s kind of how I shaped my personality. My parents ‘lovingly’ reassured me that that I was ok and that there was ‘not much’ wrong with me. Which was great to hear but it didn’t change the course of events that followed and became ‘my life’.

I got into increasingly more trouble with my surroundings and started to move away from what was ‘socially’ accepted. I mean remove yourself from any given structure you are part of and you are on your own. That’s looking at it from my current perspective but at the time I was developing a personality which makes it a bit more complicated. So what became of that little boy I called me at the time?

Well there was a lot of frustration and anger because I didn’t feel accepted and there was my developing body that got stronger. I was a very ‘physical’ child, aware of what I could do with my body and I loved to experiment with it. So without being really aware of it I was always playing around with my ‘physical’ abilities and just looking how far I could push myself. At times this was pretty far compared to other children and sometimes I noticed that other kids would kind of be hypnotized by what I was doing. Grown ups started calling me a ‘daredevil’. I kind of thought it was a compliment although I didn’t understand the meaning of the word.

What’s a daredevil?

daredevil |ˈde(ə)rˌdevəl|
a reckless person who enjoys doing dangerous things.
adjective [ attrib. ] reckless and daring.

reckless |ˈrekləs|
Adjective (of a person or their actions) without thinking or caring about the consequences of an action
ORIGIN Old English reccelēas, from the Germanic base (meaning [care] ) of reck .

daring |ˈde(ə)ri ng |
(of a person or action) adventurous or audaciously bold : a daring crime.
• boldly unconventional: : a pretty girl in daring clothes.
adventurous courage : the zeal and daring of climbers.

ORIGIN Old English durran, of Germanic origin; related to Gothic gadaursan, from an Indo-European root shared by Greek tharsein and Sanskrit dhṛṣ- ‘be bold.’

By definition I was a reckless child and around that time I had a little bike I would drive around the neighborhood making engine noises as I drove a long with my tongue hanging out. This could be considered normal because that's what most boys do at that age. But whenever I was frustrated or angry I would find myself on my little bike driving around like a lunatic. Al my anger and frustration was pumped into my pedals and pulling the handlebars. Sometimes I would visualize pulling the whole bike into pieces. I was often that angry (energetically charged). A side effect of me doing this shit regularly every time I had to ‘release’ was that I got really fast on my little bike. Then BMX hit the scene back in the eighties and I was ‘hooked’. In school though, I was still this insecure inverted inside out kid with poor social skills that didn’t understand group dynamics and was looked upon as ‘the daredevil’.

Thus ‘I’ became Daredevil? my alter ego, my other self. And as time went by I completely accepted that persona in word and deed. Al my insecurity was replaced by bravura. Interesting that within the definition of a daredevil there is: ‘without thinking or caring about the consequences of an action’. My personality became a blown balloon full of lunacy, anti authority, non conformism, theater, drama etc. An insecure mister knowitall hiding behind larger than life stories. The outcome from my present perspective was predictable.

So my skill set was far from what’s preferable in a rigid corporate system you are supposed to embrace as you grow up or into. On top of that, coming from a social left wing family background money was a dirty word in the first place. Yes you always end up walking the path of your predecessors until that first self-honest question is answered. Who the fuck am ‘I’ really?

I despised (financial) successful people and money out of inferiority. Why? Because those people had all the characteristics of the kids that did good in school. Kids that where able to adapt into the system with great ease. Learning the tricks of the trade and do the trading. Now it makes a whole lot of sense to me that what I despise will not come to me. This is exactly what happened in my life. Complaining about the lack of ‘resources’ and at the same time spiting them. That’s not a recipe for success is it. You can be a daredevil in this system but make sure you are head of a bank or a corporation first.

Being that daredevil upside down in a tree is looking at myself through a veil of perceptions. Replacing that veil with a mirror would have reflected the inner demon of my self accepted ego that fucked me time after time. It trapped me into that perceived persona of the daredevil. As a result I have lived limitation al my life only because I accepted and allowed myself to be what was reflected instead of looking what was really there. Such stupidity. Now standing up from this and walking back the manifested consequences is the story unfolding. It’s the toughest most painful thing I ever did and at the same time the most rewarding and soothing because I’m bringing myself back to me.

Daredevilism is a set of skills applied to a certain set of physical challenges that have no real application other than entertainment and satisfaction of the ego of the daredevil in question. The Daredevil can only transform by altering the starting point and definitions regarding ‘him-self’ as the Daredevil. This can only be done with the support and reflection of people doing the same thing otherwise he would walk blinded into the next self created stunt or disaster.

There is a Daredevil in all of us. Investigate and you’l be amazed by what we create in this reality we call ourselves. My journey with Desteni so far made everything I did as a daredevil look pathetic. Seeing myself in self honesty took more courage then anything I ever did in my life. It's like being Evil Knievel stuck in his own burning tunnel burning to death.

My Daredevil ego goes wild when it get's no attention. Often I look away for a second which is enough to let it fuck me up completely. That’s where the real challenge of self-honesty begins for me. No rewards for my ego. Time after time again. Every day, every second and every breath until it’s done.


Me the 'Mercanery'...

Workers and warriors
The Equal Money System needs two facets. Workers and warriors. Warriors to do battle for change in this world and workers too fund the warriors. Now I have to decide where I fit in? I had a strong reaction to this video that I want to look at and share.

Already while watching this video the word warrior came up as a ‘logical’ choice for me. The question being. Where do I fit in? This immediately triggered a feeling of inferiority as fear I felt in my stomach. So I asked myself where my preference for the word ‘warrior’ came from? The answer came fast because as a money maker in this world I’m not amongst the Trump’s and Branson’s.

So I reflected back on the ‘warrior’ and immediately the word ‘mercenary’ came up. - ? - So within the word ‘warrior’ there was probably judgement towards myself. A warrior fights for a cause. A mercenary is in it solely for his own benefit at the cost of everything else. Am I in this solely for myself or because I’m willing to give my life for an Equal Money System? When the call is made, do I come from the trenches and charge the enemy shouting: “today we die”!

mercenary |ˈmərsəˌnerē|
adjective derogatory
(of a person or their behavior) primarily concerned with making money at the expense of ethics : she's nothing but a mercenary little gold digger. Making money at the expense of ethics?

Ethics do not exist in this world because it’s all about money so ‘ethics’ has to be replaced by ‘what’s best for all’.

Gold digger
I find the term ‘gold digger’ interesting as well. As long as the current money system is in place we are all gold diggers at the expense of others. Within the current system there is no way around this. We will remain mercenary’s fighting our private wars up to the point where people are fighting wars merely for survival. The end is predictable and like all wars, not a ‘pretty picture’. A battlefield shows us the actual state of this world without the censorship on behalf of money.

Breaking this chain is my struggle at the moment because I have too make money. I have to find gold. I finished a project and new work has to come otherwise I’m in trouble. So I the mercenary must either find a steady job or start visiting the warlords of trade in order to rent myself out again. In both cases I’m a mercenary fighting a private war for survival = money. It’s inevitable. In order to be able to move myself I have to make money. Me behind this computer inside this house in this village in holland has to make money to sustain the content of this sentence.

Humanity needs answers and practical solutions because there is no more room to expand. We are facing the biggest task ever in human history. How to save humanity? How do we turn ourselves from individual gold diggers into ‘equal’ participants within an Equal Money System? Without any reasonable doubt, the only system that’s best for all.

The war to end all wars
If we look at this task from our personal perspectives as dueling-‘individuus‘ (individuals / the divided), it seems impossible. At the same time we realize that we are all participating in a scheme called ‘world economics’. We are all individually responsible for reaching this point of no return. We don’t fight for a cause anymore we are fighting for money and within that realization I cannot trust myself or anybody in the world around me that thinks science, politics, religion or spirituality will figure it out.

We will have to figure it out for ourselves and the moment you start using common sense you realise that the only way is the Equal Money way. It has to come bottom up from you and me forming groups that will stand as living examples of support giving to others what we would like to receive. Can I do this?

For now my weapon is ‘my pen’, my strategy self honesty. I will be a warrior for the Equal Money System. The Desteni I Process will be my tool to bring forth the change within me. For now I live two lives until I stand.

The Equal Money system will be a first step in the political agenda of the Equal Life Party worldwide once we start participating in democratic elections. Join the Desteni Forum for discussions.


Mommy's making mommy's

The pair ends
In the previous post I ran onto (fore lack of a better description) ‘my mommy point’. That point when one as a child starts investigating the world. Where you take a step outside the comfort zone knowing mommy is there to run back too when things go 'bad'. Exploring the world from a safe haven whereby one slowly learns how to cope with what the world throws at us. A way of building confidence by ‘failing’ so to speak. As we said in BMX: “learning how too fall is more important than falling”. You will fall so you better get good at it!

We all come from the one person that’s responsible for us all being here. A mother. We all had one and from there we created that what is here reading these lines. That what we accepted and allowed ourselves to become. Where is that line between where parenting ends and we become self aware, independent individuals? Individuals?

The word individual is interesting. It comes from the latin word Individuus, from in- ‘not’ + dividuus ‘divisible’ (from dividere ‘to divide’ ). Divided as “separated into parts”. Isn’t that what we call 'sorting'. Where do I fit in? In what category am I 'sorted'. How are my characteristics defined and when do 'I' divide into the individual?

A pair of them
As I grew older I started noticing everyone having particular parents. As a child this was strange to me. All I could refer too where my own mom and dad so that was the only concept of 'parents' I had. Later in life I started too talk about parents with other people. I was kind of shocked that there where people that where not so happy with their parents. I mean some would recall them as the best thing in their life and some would despise them. Then there where people that didn’t even know their parents. Parents, a 'strange' relationship. You relate too the parents you have and that's it. There is no choice.

I became aware that I was spoiled by my parents through people that where not spoiled by there parents. If you are abused by your parents you will know this trough people that where nurtured by them. We thus always see ourselves and others through the parenting that was done. It also means we are always looking into the past when we are interacting with other people. Seeing myself is no different. When I’m looking at myself I’m looking into the past. The place where ‘I’ originate from beginning with the womb of my mother. That moment where my mother and father where divided from individuals to parents. Where the pair ended and brought forth and divided.

What about cloning? Well cloning can only be done if there is genetic material that derived from a mom and a dad. So without parents no cloning and no human race. Parents are the essential ingredient to what we call humanity. As human beings we are always connected to our parents, their parents, parenting and thus too humanity as a whole. Strangely enough nobody seems to live this reality and I think that’s because we are 'individuals', we are divided. 

Very upsetting especially to a child the moment it become aware of this, which is mostly during puberty. The way kids get trough puberty and adapt to reality determines almost everything that’s going to happen later in life. So what does this tell me about the phase before puberty? Isn’t that phase the most important one in a child's life and what role do the parents play during that phase? Do they think about stuff like this before a child is born? Are we as parents and teachers fully aware of what a child is going through ones it’s stuck in this reality of adults? Do we as adults ‘listen’ to children?

My words are dead
As a kid I had a LOT of trouble adapting to reality. In fact I’m still in the process of figuring out what ‘reality’ actually means. At least I’m sure that reality is in our heads because that’s where we ‘think’ we are. So reality can be whatever we think it to be. It’s what we think of it.

We create reality through thinking and parenting and it’s all done from our collective past. Reality is looking into the past and seeing what we ‘the creators’ created. If I don’t change my present the future will look awfully similar to the past (maybe a little more futuristic). Apparently all the thinking, effort, prayers, wishes and best intentions of the parents before us couldn’t prevent the big fuck up reality is right now. We are doing a horrible job parenting this world and that’s reality as I see it.

For me it all boils down to the fact that ‘I do not live my words in this reality’! And that’s what I must have done in the past otherwise I would not be where I am today. I live in a self created dream I call ‘my reality’. An extension of my childhood where at one point I disappeared into my head and never came back. Where the boy became a man like all men that fuck(ed) this world into oblivion. How did I end up living this illusion?

Moms safety
When I was about 12-13 years old I became aware that I soon had too leave the ‘save’ little world of, my neighbourhood, friends and Lego. The daily routine of coming home to my mother after primary school. I remember doing tests in school and that teachers began talking with a different voice, all serious all of a sudden. As if the fun was now over. Fear the future children for now it gets serious. Yes it did. I had to answer these grown ups what I wanted to do with my life. What secondary school I wanted to attend. I didn’t had a clue.

My parents took me to open houses. We visited several schools and for the first time it hit me that I was living in a different dimension than they did. All I can remember before this moment was being a happy playful kid with a lot of ‘energy’, a rich imagination and no fears about the future. I never got bored and I always felt save. This sudden realisation scared the crap out of me.

The kid that was me had a head full of images that ran wild. Being a boy those images mostly had to do with men stuff. I remember being fascinated by technology. I wasn’t good at math but I could give a speech about Leonardo da Vinchi without preparing for it. So to me school was just another place to play around with my interests. I was fascinated by everything technical. Especially spaceflight and stuff related to flying in general. My childhood was about fighter planes, flying aces and big battles (exactly like my father). My parents allowed me too watch a lot of television. I think it was kind of ‘normal’ in those days. People didn’t have a clue about the impact of television / media. To tell a vision or Tell a vise. Interesting. At least we can see what television brought us. I saw a lot of things that where not ‘meant’ for children’s eyes. That's for sure.

As soon as I was able to read and owned a library pass there was a fresh stack of books next too my bed every week. At first it was all about the great wonders of the world. The pyramids, the romans, vikings, etc. But the thing that stands out from the beginning is my fascination with war. I was fascinated by weapons systems from the old. From catapults used by the romans up too bouncing bombs used in the second world war to the gunships used in vietnam. If there was a war movie on television I would wine and beg till my parents allowed me too stay up late too watch it.

I think my father ‘loved’ it. He was born in 1940 and had vivid memories of dogfights between German Messerschmitt’s and English Hurricanes and Spitfires in the sky’s above our village. He was also walking the streets as a four year old when the english mistakenly bombed our town and a bomb nearly killed him. I heard that story at least a hundred times. The sealing of my bedroom was completely filled with model airplanes. I could tell the story on all of them. I was that Steven Spielberg kid that would fly too the moon someday. If a plain would fly by I could tell you the type just from the engine noise. In school this often led to irritated teachers because when a plane flew by I would do exactly that. I was obsessed with aeroplanes and flying.

My father loved to talk. So any questions from me regarding history, aeroplanes, the war or whatever where always answered with elaborate and colourful stories. And I have heard his life’s stories a million times. At least I know I come from a rather 'eccentric' family. My father kind of was my internet. I got all the information on everything I wanted to know from him. If I asked a question he would talk every time all the time. He also loved to colour his stories. Making things more intense and impressive than they actually where. I sucked it all inn and eventually became exactly like him. My mother tried to equalize this stream of information but was no match to the oral tsunami my father produced. My mother had 3 dominant males in the house. It must have been a nightmare for her.

My father and ‘I’ both had a fascination with mystery shit like spontaneous combustion, the bermuda triangle etc. I read bookshelves on that stuff. One of the stories that triggered my imagination immensely was that of Flight 19 that disappeared over the Bermuda triangle. I read all this stuff between 8 and 12 years of age and I was able to dish it all up into minute detail.

I was also completely addicted too television. I remember seeing a lot of stuff that was definitively not rated ‘all ages’. Ratings didn’t even exist back then. I saw horrific stuff about the holocaust, napalm bombing in vietnam etc. The stories that made the biggest impression where those that had too do with fighter pilots and special forces. Especially stuff behind enemy lines. I remember watching Colditz a British television series that screened between 1972 and 1974. The series deals with Allied prisoners of war imprisoned at the Colditz Castle. I must have been around 6-7 years old at the time and I remember being very emotional and tears flowing as I watched a scene where a B17 and crew go down behind enemy lines. I think my parents didn’t have a clue about the impact television had on me.

Was my full frontal collision with reality. My universe sort of collided with another. Everything changed the moment I had to go to High school. I felt completely alienated from my surroundings and literally everything hardened. It felt like concrete was poured into me. I had to grow into something but didn’t have a clue what ‘that’ was. I didn’t want to grow up. I filled my head with violence and fear. I wanted to fit in but couldn’t figure it out. I began too think that there was something wrong with me. I became an outcast in high school and was bullied extensively for more than 3 years.

It drove my parents crazy. Especially my mother. She became desperate. My parents must have felt guilty because they tried a lot of things to make my life ‘fun’. Through my own experience I now realise that what a child like that needs is living examples of how things work in this world and especially why.

In my last year of high school there was a bullying incident where I snapped and nearly killed someone. That moment was an eye opener because it had an immediate effect on the ones that where harassing me. They stopped! So from that moment on I started projecting physical confidence. It was the only way too create my own space. I could do this because of my sport which was BMX. BMX saved me from going nuts. The only thing in life that gave me confidence at that moment was BMX. So it was me and my bike everyday all day.

The Mother
Inside I was extremely insecure and my self image was one of complete failure and incompetence. To the outside I was a daredevil, a rebel and a troublemaker. Always pushing the limits. I was an extremely annoying boy to say the least. Always talking, always having the last word and stubborn to the bone. I pretended that I didn’t give a fuck and I camped in my head most of the time. A child like this today would immediately be diagnosed with ADHD, PDD NOS or whatever and probably end up in a corner medicated and drooling. 

mom |mäm|, noun informal, one's mother. Abbreviation of momma.
Imitative of a child's first syllables ma, ma.

Old English mōdor, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch moeder and German Mutter, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin mater and Greek mētēr.

verb [ trans. ]
1 [often as n. ] ( mothering) bring up (a child) with care and affection : the art of mothering.
• look after kindly and protectively, sometimes excessively so : she felt mothered by her older sister.
2 dated give birth to.

Looking back and seeing my mother I wander. Is there a mothering school where a woman can go before getting a child? No. So where do mothers get educated when it comes to raising their children? What does a mother want to teach her children and with what purpose? How many parents ask themselves these tricky questions in self honesty before sending their kids to schools full of old information? And if these questions are brought to the table, how many parents get solid answers? I think I stumbled upon a bit of a problem here and more than 150.000.000 children worldwide don’t even get educated.

Mother nature
In nature the program is simpler and able to sustain some kind of equilibrium that humans are unable to grasp. Probably because it’s too simple. A lion baby will be raised by lions within a group of lions. If the pup would start to behave like a hamster the outcome is predictable. When growing up, a lion kitten will learn to hunt and catch his own meat or it will die.

I think it would be the same with children if it wasn’t for the fact that they have human parents. Beings with complex and highly egotistical forms of ‘artificial intelligence programs’. So what can one expect from humans? Believe systems are programmed into babies by us the parents? Everything of the parents is projected onto the child. And in this world it means that the newborn is always loaded with old and incomplete information. The moment a child starts to think for him or herself he or she starts operating from the past exactly like the parents did. It's using their, morality, coping mechanisms, personality. This means we experience the same fucking bullshit our parents experienced again and again?

So that’s what happened too me, to all of us. There is no concept of 'equality' in our source code. It’s why humanity is not evolving but exploding. It’s why we are now experiencing a world on the brink of collapse. We are all running software that’s not 'best for all'. As parents and children we are all as individuals responsible for updating our operating systems. I mean we can all see with our own eyes what the old programs are producing just to clear the point. How can anything change if we keep copy pasting ourselves?

Stop recycling
Let’s all become software developers for the new world. At Desteni we focus on educating ourselves the ‘adults’ in this world that will eventually be having kids or not. Educating already existing parents to teach to their descendants how it is that we as human beings require an actual Education in consideration of each other as Equals. With actual practical application which implies an entire reform to the Educational system. A system which Is flawed and money-driven. As a consequence you experience the world as it is today.

Let’s make parents the actual teachers of this world to breed a world that’s best for all. Visit the Desteni I Process website to Educate yourself and Invest on Life Skills that can be practically applied no matter where in the world you are. Let’s make children the actual Future of the world: a World of Life in Equality for All.

Investigate the Equal Money System to see how Education will no longer be directed by money-making skills but Life Skills to LIVE and not merely survive.


Relationships as hiding places

Being alone in a relationship
The past few weeks I noticed a particular build up of anxiety, a restlessness. It all has to do with the fact that my daughter and ex girlfriend are going to move away. The new situation that will arise puts my whole life in a new perspective. In the near future I will be able to move again. I’m less bound to the triangle of family as it is located within the present boundaries.

The realisation
In other words, I’m not bound to were I am living anymore. In the future I don’t have to be the standby father anymore. At least not like it is today. Apart from feeling guilty, sad and sentimental after the news reached me I also became very restless. Why did this happen? Maybe it’s because nothing is holding me back from moving myself anymore. Am I afraid of moving myself? Is change that frightening to me? Come on I’m the daredevil, the danger seeker. What is going on here? Am I stuck in a construct that I don’t see? Where is this fear coming from?

To adress
If nothing is holding me back then it must be me that's holding me back. So that was a tough point because I apparently fuck up when it comes to self movement. As an example a big point I am starting to see is the way I locked myself up within relationships. Within relationships I stopped moving completely. Relationships became a lame excuse for the circumstances I was in. A lot of this was on a unconscious level but that's no excuse for not addressing what’s presenting itself here in the present.

Why we all want families
Within the system construct of a relationship the load is shared so to speak. Look around you and you will see that society as a whole is completely designed to facilitate and encourage relationships. Preferable ones that make money and produce children. Relationships as a place where one is not solely responsible. One goes to work or both 'partners' work and the 'load' is divided. We go to work, make  money and start consuming as we get consumed by daily live. We do our part in consuming like a ‘good’ family is supposed too adding to the immense cash flow generated by family. The average middle class family spends more than 2000 euro's a month! Do a little math on that and you will see why family is called "the cornerstone of society" In other words, family as the ultimate cash cow .

'Social' structures
When everything runs according to plan the ‘thing’ becomes a well oiled routine and everyone loves that because we fit in nicely with the rest. It’s fully understandable for everyone because we all know that it keeps everything in place. Running a family is one of the most time consuming things one can do, there you go.

So as families we all have the same subjects to chit chat about. Avoiding a big part of ourselves in the process. With colleagues, friends and family we share the same problems and we eat the same pancakes. Yeah ‘life’s a bitch’ and the weather sure is nice today. Sooner or later we all want to escape but no one can and we all accept this as reality. Eventually one is either in or out. Remember that when you are 'out', life becomes ridiculously complicated. Nothing seems to be 'designed' for the 'single' human being. The so called loner and his or her relationship too the rest. Why is it called "a social structure" when in fact not everyone is included?

A being in love
Looking at myself and my behaviour within relationships I began to see a pattern. Off coarse the starting point has always been a ‘physical’ one. A sex mate (Can we mate? Can we be mates?). This part normally went reasonably well until the initial energy of ‘sex’ and 'being in love' had to be transformed into a workable relationship. This is mostly the period where one starts touching subjects like, ‘living together’, ‘careers’, ‘work’ and ‘money’. Eventually it always boiled down to money and last but not least ‘children’. I always began to feel uncomfortable and restless when these subjects were addressed.

I wrote about this before but what is interesting and the question I asked myself was: Why did I get into relationships in the first place? I’m starting to see that I did this solely from the point of not having to be fully responsible for what would happen in my life. I would always be able too say ‘“we did” instead of “I did”. So this point had to do with taking self responsibility within all aspects of life. So apparently I didn’t see myself do this. That’s inferiority isn't it? Yes it is. I’m starting to realise that I used relationships and sex as the ultimate escape and hiding place for self responsibility.

As an example it explains why I like to be around children but never wanted them for myself. I always used financial security as an excuse. This is why I always wait for reality to become unbearable before I start to move. Only moving because it’s a necessity not because one want’s to move. It’s not moving but being moved. Exactly that. Being moved, being emotional. Being able to say, “the circumstances forced me to make this or that move”. It’s denying myself to step forward and make mistakes. I have to be perfect or hide my imperfections. Compensating inferiority with bravado and perfectionism. All out of fear. Fear of being judged by friends and family. Fear of failing within the system falling out of the system. Fear of simply being here as I am as me. No matter what...

To test these points I went to my kinesiologist today and in order to give her some points to work with I called it “testing my mommy construct" because that’s what it is too me. It’s that point where one as a child takes a step outside the comfort zone knowing mommy is there to run back too when things go bad and having a father that's gently pushing this process. Showing you how to deal with reality and solve problems in a rational and effective way. Within this construct I'm starting too see where my behaviour originates from. The comfort of my childhood was probably a bit to comfy and looking back I always relied (too) heavily on my parents for support.

[marking this point for my next blog entry]

The muscle tests
After being testes for about an hour the following points opened up:

The air element: 
Self respect, shyness, confusion, awkwardness, puzzlement, distrust, success. Coming from a highly unstructured background and finding it extremely hard to cope with reality, seeing / understanding reality as a child and being overwhelmed by it.

Associating success with money, power and evil. Spiting it thus sabotaging success in this point for myself.

Being indecisive wen confronted with polarity: Independence, independency. Being self-supportive, self-help. Also independence manifesting as an independent attitude activating abilities within seclusion. Standing independently. I climb this tree because no one can do it for me.

Self-restraint (the earth element)
Coping with morality issues within social groups. Insecurity becomes self-assertion. Overcompensating inferiority with perfectionism for example in sports or work. Being a daredevil. All from being up in the turbulent air of polarity instead of grounded in earth. No base to operate from. No me just projections.

The spleen point (milt) - mildness, gentleness and self trust. It’s only possible to be gentle to others or express gentleness if one knows gentleness as an expression of self. Have I been gentle with myself? Did I give myself enough ‘credit’ for achievements I made in life? Also self intimacy (I see in to me). Being decisive and take action even when unsure about the predictability of the outcome (just move).

And so on
So again a lot of stuff to investigate and another small step in birthing myself as life from the physical. All is stored within the body. It’s there to support us in becoming who we really are as self. The older we get the more information is stored making it harder to change ourselves as time goes by. That's why Kinesiology is such a great tool. Instead of assuming stuff you are able to test things out in real time. It’s magnificent if one dares to go there. Being in process is the hardest thing I ever did. It’s also the only way of becoming who 'I' am by exposing what 'I' am not. The Desteni I process is the only tool in the world that's flawless when one decides to go 'there'. It's no easy road and it's the most confronting thing you will ever do. But if I can do this, you can.

So please investigate who you are and join us: http://desteniiprocess.com/


Getting rich quick...

I’m getting to much money
Yesterday I was confronted with the fact that a customer paid me to much money over the course of 2010-2011. It was a large amount of money. Because this took place over a two year period I somehow didn’t notice. I had an immediate emotional response to it. It was like an electric discharge in my stomach. It was fear. I took a deep breath and applied self forgiveness immediately. However while I was investigating the payments made over the last two years and seeing the consequences on my financial situation, I became very unstable. I had a lot of trouble remaining here and to keep breathing. Panic related to money. Fear of money. The moneypoint. Reality as it is. This brings me to my daughter. My ex is going to move and my role as a father is going to be reduced and removed to the background almost completely. There is not much I can do and I see it’s pointless to object towards this point. ‘life” goes on’. I’m the father of a child so this situation is self created. Nevertheless I had a very strong emotional response to this event and a lot of points opened up.

No kidding
I like to be around children more than crown ups. It’s been like that for all my life. But in all the relationships I had I always avoided the point of having children. Looking back in self honesty it had to do with responsibility. It had to do with ‘money’. I managed to get around in ‘life’ when it came to money but I never felt ‘confident’ in this point. As I have stated before when I introduced myself on the Desteni forum. What’s my biggest fear? It’s money. So when the point of having children was discussed in relationships I always associated it with ‘financial responsibility’. That’s not unrealistic because having a child means taking responsibility. It’s a commitment for ‘life’. I brought this point up several times in relationships and as result the relationships always ended soon after. My ex partners never considered money a valid argument for not having children which is proof to me that having children is a preprogrammed thing. My arguments where often dismissed completely which blew my mind. Knowing I would get these results when I brought them up, I started to avoid this subject every time it came up. I was never self honest when it came to this point so there was a huge amount of backchat towards my partners. Hence the baby that came... What does this imply within the system? I refused to have children because I was to afraid to take responsibility for the moneypoint. I don’t ‘trust’ myself within this point. And so a whole pattern opens up. I don’t want to be the provider of money. I’m refusing to take on the role of the ‘man’ of the house. The god of life and death. The giver and taker. The reason for this has nothing to do with being noble or ethical. It’s simply fear.

Ok, the pattern as I see it at the moment starts with my family. My basic program and in this case my ‘father figure’. My father was always there as ‘the provider’. He provided the money, entertainment for me my brother and my ‘friends’. He also had ‘issues’ for a period of time. In that period I was about six years old. So there must have been a lot of suppression and friction between him and my mother. His struggle became my struggle. ‘The sins of the fathers’. Another point is that our family DNA, the bloodline is ‘disrupted’. One part of my family was ‘poor’. The disrupted part comes from a very rich industrial patriarch. Must be on my DNA as well. This also makes sense from a parental perspective. My father raised me with a mix of 60’s, sharing, peace, love, Marxist, social reform, utopian concepts. Coming from a suppressed catholic postwar 50’s environment this must have been hugely conflicting for him. To the outside it was always love and peace. So what was on the inside? I’m starting to see that more clearly after his recent heart attack. If confronted with his own suppression he immediately responds in defence and aggressively?

Now looking at myself and how it relates back to my definition of our family construct. I rebelled against my father’s views immensely. I remember an evening where I hysterically said to my parents “you are nothing more then my biological procreators”. They where off course shocked to the bone and I created another pattern of guild to deal with. Looking at it from the present perspective I saw it exactly as it is. Matrix wise there is nothing wrong with the way I was parented though. My parents never physically abused me and I was raised according to the time frame. The way I grew up matched the 60’s-70’s matrix like a glove. Express yourself, peace, love and freedom. I belong to generation X. The children without a clue. Fuck you very much lol.

Getting slapped
As an adolescent I was convinced that my parents didn’t understand a rats ass about the workings of the world. Especially when it came to money. How could they ignore the thing that in my eyes ruled everything in this world. I saw that without money there was no room to move in this world. So I thought that having money would mean freedom. I made a naive decision to get rich. I remember making a contract with my best friend that was signed in blood by the both of us. It stated that if we weren’t rich at the age of twenty five or so, we would rob a bank or do anything to get rich so we would never have to work again. I have seen it all as a child. How did I cope with this? How can a child cope with this shit? It can’t. I remember seeing the movie ‘the wall’ by Pink Floyd. I was around seventeen. It changed everything. It opened my eyes to the workings of this world and the influence family has. It was a shocking experience because I met reality for the first time as a physical experience of myself and how I had defined myself in this world. I couldn’t deal with it. It was the truth and I faced it. So round about that time the white light must have intervened lol.

Going in
I started looking for answers, solutions. It can’t be that ‘dark can it?’. So the ‘light versus dark’ polarity introduced itself. I started reading Hesse. Studied Prabupada’s version of the Gita, vedic scriptures and occult history. I started to believe in God and Karma. I embraced the world as it was and I tried to accept it as it was. So I got a job and I worked. Started a company with my best friend and we went bankrupt. I worked and worked. But something was not ‘right’. It just didn’t ad up. I kept seeing these glitches in the matrix but they where subliminal. I had relationships and they broke up. And in those times of depression I always studied the mystery and wisdom ‘religions’. I did Yoga, studied Chakra psychology with Shyam Bhatnagar, did purifications. I studied the teachings of Yogananda, Kriya Yoga, Babaji, Edgar Cayce, Quantum mechanics, Bohr, Sheldrake, Hawking and last but not least the Theosophical teachings of Helena Blavatsky’s ‘Secret Doctrine’. That one was an eye opener because it stated that in order to understand you should read it as a dream. So I did and I did it several times. And then I got into a relationship with a ‘free’ evangelical Christian’? We had sex and because we didn’t use birth control she became pregnant.

“To the unmarried and to the widows I say that it is well for them to remain single as I do”. 
(1 Corinthians 7:8)

So me and how I defined myself in this world got exactly to the preprogrammed point before I found out how the shit actually worked in this world. Fucked myself in polarity with money, accepted and allowed myself to bring a baby into the system. Scared shitless for the responsibilty as a father, a man, head of the house and provider of money. It was done, I was done. This was around 2003. Just had a burn out, I was going to lose my job, had to sell my houseboat, find a new house that was big enough for 3 persons. I was in a relationship without a future. At that point in ‘life’ (hell) I completely gave up on myself and I went into complete denial, suppression, depression whatever. I was a goner.

If I would have been self honest at that time I would have seen that these two believe systems could never sustain a relationship. It would never work because the starting point was not equal, not compatible and thus impossible. The child was born and our relationship ended. And what did I do after relationships fell? White light religious bullshit! O yeah. In deep depression full of self pity I start reading the Secret Doctrine again looking for fucking answers. I was desperate for answers and determined to find them. So for a period of about 3 months I was reading and studying every day till my brain was fried. The Doctrine has a strong connection with Kriya Yoga so I finally gave in and found the Hamsa’s that followed Kriya Yoga master Gurunath. Love and peace again. Seeking guidance outside myself.

The full denial of self responsibility and what I have manifested in this world. My world, our world. I was seriously considering leaving everything behind. Fuck everything and everyone in the name of our dear lord = money. I completely gave up on myself and became completely robotic.

This was the ‘deep’ point I had to reach to find out what it means to be a ‘human’ being. To ‘be’ in this world. What this world implies and especially what the consequences are for our children and the children not yet born. I honestly don’t know what would have happened if I hadn’t found Desteni.

Nobody goes to hell we-are-all ready in hell. And who creates this hell? Who is god? Who is the creator? Who is the creature(s) that create? We are. I am So in order to bring change we change. I change. I stop. I breath. I forgive myself for I am the only one who can. I birth myself from the physical as life, one and equal with life. Heaven on earth. Whatever it takes I will myself to get it done. Fuck all prayers.