
Day 003-All and Nothing

Met up with a friend yesterday. He's called 'All'. All and I have a strange relationship. Sometimes he's very supportive where he's assisting me to get things done quick and effectively. All helped me in a lot of cases where I needed to get things done. Where I had to move stuff in my life. He helped me get my work done, make decisions, build stuff, tell jokes, come on to women, defend myself, brainstorm, produce ideas and solutions, sports, school, relationships. All helped me to define myself in this life. All had a profound influence on my personality as 'good' friends do.

All seldom bails out of a challenge unless it's in his own best interest. In those cases friends sometimes loose touch as they say. In those cases All shows me his last name 'Nothing'. Exceptions aside All was and is always there to the point of being 'übercool'. 'But' I 'know' that nothing can be über if there isn't an under! So as with all good friends, the better you know them the more you see them and their bullshit. And you take the bullshit. What else can you do? You are friends remember.

So like all friends All has that other side. That side I call 'Nothing'. That's where our friendship is tested to the limit. That's where I have to assist him because in those moments All will not move, communicate, react, respond. All becomes the expression of a mineshaft. Nothing I say, think, or do will change that Nothingness of All. The more I try the more All will burry himself and me with him. All will be dead weight. That's when I become very emotional within my reactions to All. This shows me that when All is Nothing I get confused. I panic because I don't know what to do. I'm out of control because I lost control. I have no tools, nothing to fall back on to change the situation. I'm there helpless and stuck with Nothing.

Those moments where All becomes Nothing are highly unstable experiences for me. Nothing to hold on to or to fall back on. Helplessness becomes panic. Self movement grinds to a halt and the only thing I want to do is run. Disappear and dissolve. In those moments I'm loosing my mind as it is my mind that freaks out, looses control. At this stage I'm fucked within reality because I exist within a state of fear without any stability. I'm exposed as fear and totally vulnerable. Normally All would be there to bail me out but he's not here and I am stuck with Nothing on top of that.

When my mindstorms finally settle and I dare to take a self honest look in the mirror to face myself within those points of fear as panic and instability where I judge myself as the coward that ran. I see that there is no point in maintaining a relationship with All (or Nothing for that matter). That this relationship is based on abuse from the beginning. That neither All nor Nothing can be trusted unless my starting point is equal and one with both of them. Only then will I establish a relationship with us as a group that is based on a principle that is best for all of us.

-I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to become unstable within performing my planned tasks at hand

- I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to limit myself within wanting to perform within a time limit instead of gently and thoroughly go trough the process of working towards the desired result creating a deadline and chaos instead of substance.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to put pressure on myself knowing that that same pressure is what is going to fuck with me within the tasks at hand thus sabotaging myself before I even begin working on the tasks at hand

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not check myself sufficiently during my process of completing a task thus allowing myself to drift of into the mind as distraction into other dimensions instead of remaining here as breath completing the task at hand

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear opinion and judgement of others and within that judging myself and my output in comparison and or separation to/from others instead of looking at my judgement within the points I have in common with others and walk from there to see and learn.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to compare myself to others within their expression as language as the placement of words

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not slow myself down and take a step back before I accepted and allowed myself to become completely possessed/engulfed in energy thus loosing myself within and as instability and inefficiency resulting in chaos

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to judge and compare my writings and expression in connection to performance within the point of winners and losers because I see that this is bullshit where I accept and allow my mind to present my self honest efforts as a game of some sort making it acceptable to bend the rules because that is the essence of gameplay.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not allow myself to step back and correct myself within taking a break during work because taking a break has nothing to do with not performing and can in fact increase my performance if it's done in self honesty because taking a step back and pause can create a broader perspective within the point of seeing the bigger picture.


Day 002-Irritated

The point that really stood out today was irritation. I accepted and allowed myself to become irritated. Irritation creates a lot of friction so I really sabotaged myself today. I'm not working at home at the moment. I'm on location and so is my equipment. Today felt like everything was amplified. Noise was louder, light was brighter and time seemed to move faster. I'm now well into the fourth week of being fully emerged in quite stressful work with permanent deadlines and impulses around me.

It's interesting to observe the impact this bowl of energy around me is having on me. It's permeating my skin. Sometimes I can even feel temperature changes in my skin. I cannot run from it or shield myself against it. The combination of work and keeping stable as breath is something I have yet to master. Its like swimming where I have moments on the surface and then it's back down and being submerged in work to get shit done. In the process this pattern is becoming visible. It's an old pattern. It's the nine to nine pattern I had for a long time where I in the morning kind of merge with my work and the computer programs and come out of this trip at around nine o clock at night within this energetic buzz.

I'm working and my head will start spinning, my body is tensed up, my breathing is higher and last but not least there is this luring feeling of irritation. Its like being hooked with a thousand hooks and hanged from the ceiling. Locked into my place behind the computer calibrated to spin with the system and produce output. Feeling that whole energetic buzz creeping in and slowly eating me up. Today around 16.00 hours I couldn't keep my eyes open. I wanted to get out, go home get air but I couldn't because I have an agreement with myself to not give into resistance. And this was resistance for sure. It came to a point where I felt so tired I wanted to lay myself down on the floor. I knew it had to be resistance. My mind was looking for back doors to get me out and presenting me with this tiredness was one of them. It worked great because I really felt like I was done. At that moment my brother (who's also there) said "stop, let's play"

If you wonder why a lot of advertising agencies have soccer tables. It's because of this point. It's a means to an end. You go to the table and you simply create a shortcut to silence the mind through playing a fierce physical game of table soccer. So that's what I did and it helped me create that little space from where I was able to become stable and get my shit done. It's always the obvious shit that I miss indeed. So here is a great tip. In case of mental sabotage presenting itself as resistance were one becomes tired. Stop and do something physical. Jump, trow a ball, walk or ride a bike. It works!

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to sabotage myself by giving into resistance presented by my mind as tiredness.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to drink more coffee than I had agreed upon with myself making it harder to remain stable within breath

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not give my body the sleep it needed last night resulting in a less stable thus not preferable situation where I support myself by doing my work efficiently thus saving time

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to become irritated and expressing that irritation orally thereby making others part of my problem which is unacceptable as I should be an example as movement. Whereby I'm moving myself trough those particular points of resistance without any drama or emotion thus not giving the ego of the mind what it wants which is self limitation.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to become angry with myself as judging myself as incompetent or not capable of changing my behavior that presented itself as tiredness at the same time realising this tiredness was resistance


Day 001-Fear of commitment

Yesterday as a group it was decided that from now on we will write a little everyday.


Is that realistic? Can I get this into a practical agreement with myself? Do I even dare to consider doing this. Damn it's scares me all ready. This is a great opportunity to expose myself more to others as I walk this process of birthing myself as life by sharing who I am as my mind as what I have accepted and allowed to become 'me'.

This point of willing myself comes with a lot of anxiety. I fear to commit myself to a task that will be there every day. A point that will confront me with the way I commit myself and lack there of. This time it will be visible to the public. No hiding so if I fail it will be a public fail. That's fear of being judged by others. There is shame, ego fear of failure. All those points open up within this single point of a daily commitment of sharing myself. I also fear that my words and the way they are placed are not 'good' enough. That I have to perform adding another pressure point to be managed in daily life that is sheer pressure as it is.

On the other hand this is a great opportunity to reveal the true nature of who I have become within those points. Points that exist within others as well. This could actually assist others as lot's of writings by fellow Destonians have assisted me greatly. Because this is a daily commitment it will show me acting or not acting within this agreement. Within these writings I will focus on one point during my day and apply Self forgiveness on that point. My first point is fear of commitment and this is a cool point because I wasn't consistent in my writings let alone my self forgiveness anyhow. So that's out. Giving into resistance is a major point to face for everyone. For me it 'feels' like the same resistance I had doing my homework as a kid. Looking for all possible ways to not do that daily shit and get it over with.

It's like Dr. Ferrari said; "Telling someone who procrastinates to buy a weekly planner is like telling someone with chronic depression to just cheer up". Well knowing that depression is just another form of procrastination as I accept and allow the mind to rule my emotions. I see it's time to address these points like I addressed other points in my life. It's time to pick up the pace and walk as 'we' walk.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear committing myself to this agreement of writing every day.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear the future
I forgive myself for fearing myself within the point of self reflection as who I am within my actions
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear public reaction and opinion towards my writings
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to self sensor my writings in order to project a better image or picture presentation of myself within my writings.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear writing these self forgiveness statements knowing they will reveal the true nature of who I am and have become.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to give into resistance as tiredness seeing it's my mind instead of real physical tiredness