
2012 Am I a symbol of exclusiveness?

In holland when a boy and a girl decide to 'go steady' they often state: 

"het is aan" (it's on). 

It's like both decide that the product is 'branded' good enough to be marketed and sold to the public. Growing up this 'being on' became 'I am in a relationship'. Within that the people around me would then ask if I was 'going steady?'. In other words, do you fuck around or not? Either way it shows we have a hard time determining what a relationship is in the first place. It ranges from 'we are madly in love' to 'being fuck buddies to 'we fuck each other up'. Whatever name we give this dependency upon being with someone, It clearly needs to have a label! People apparently need to be able to tell other people what sex symbol it is I am involved inn.

In this world based on pictures as labels you produce a code for everything you do and are involved inn. And because we spend most of our time with other people that's where the most labels are printed. I am alone, homosexual, active inactive, related unrelated, heterosexual, married within an open relationship able to fuck around or as Facebook states "it's complicated". 

If the above is true or false doesn't even matter. Fore all I know I could be secretly spanking elderly women in my basement. If I confirm to the archetype picture of being financially stable and in a steady relationship preferable with a beautiful 'intelligent' woman, everything around me will become kind of fluid and mellow. Is that how it's supposed to be? Is this where we 'think' we feel most comfortable. Is that how it's supposed to be? Looking at the animals it makes perfect sense.

I have been in and out relationships enough to know what happens as we go through the phases. Very soon after entering the initial stages I will stop questioning the world around me for the larger part. Who benefits from the fact I do this? Why is it that most women suddenly have a child wish? Why do men fear this? Why is it that relationships are often labeled as 'hard work' and 'compromise'. That you have to endure and to give and take. Be solid as a rock, celebrating 25 years of marriage. Why do I have to congratulate people with 25 years of marriage? Did they sacrifice a lim to the gods or something? What is it they did I have to salute? They got married and it was their own choice to voluntarily do so in the first place. Do I send my best wishes to Apple after they successfully merge with Microsoft? What the fuck am I missing?

Isn't it strange? Placing myself completely outside this turmoil and the first thing I notice is loneliness! Like being in a spaceship cirkling the globe. In my life the moment I was not in a relationship my mind would start projecting the perspective of being in one instantaneous. So are relationships addictions? Do I ad myself on to some thing. Am I the ad on.

I can distract myself from this point with other substance like drugs or sports or whatever habit would distract me from my secret mind that is constantly urging me to look at and react to every fuckable person I see. This will not resolve itself. I have accepted and allowed myself to become part of the big pool of sex and relationships in this world. 

Amongst other things I was talking about this stuff with someone and within this conversation the person related to her situation where she wanted to be 'exclusive' with a person. For me this was just another way of her saying she wanted to 'go steady' with whatever exclusive fuck it may be. The word exclusive didn't hit me until later as I started to ponder on it. Why not call it 'a lover', 'a fucker', 'a buddy? Why ask a person to be 'exclusive'? Why do I want a person to be exclusive?

exclusive |ikˈskloōsiv|

1 excluding or not admitting other things : my exclusive focus is on San Antonio issues.

• unable to exist or be true if something else exists or is true : these approaches are not exclusive; many students will combine them | mutually exclusive political views.

• (of terms) excluding all but what is specified.

2 restricted or limited to the person, group, or area concerned : the couple had exclusive possession of the condo | the jaguar and puma are exclusive to the New World.

• (of an item or story) not published or broadcast elsewhere : an exclusive interview.

• (of a commodity) not obtainable elsewhere : exclusive designer jewelry.

3 catering or available to only a few, select persons; high class and expensive : an exclusive Georgetown neighborhood.

4 [ predic. ] ( exclusive of) not including; excepting : prices are exclusive of tax and delivery.

an item or story published or broadcast by only one source.

exclusiveness noun
exclusivity |ˌekskloōˈsivitē| noun

ORIGIN late 15th cent. (as a noun denoting something that excludes or causes exclusion): from medieval Latin exclusivus, from Latin excludere ‘shut out’ (see exclude ).

My professional background is advertising and marketing so for me the word 'exclusive' is connected to value. From my perspective more exclusive means more expensive. In business exclusivity agreements strengthen certain business relationships at the exclusion of others. Frequently a company that's strong in its sector will contract with a crucial part of its supply chain, or team up with a powerful player in another market, to create dominance within a certain territory. In any event, exclusivity agreements help the predators establish a 'territory' and kill more prey. It's the capitalists playing nice with the system. The same system where it's very convenient for 'the exclusive' that the masses behave like wildebeest in  a herd. Let's look at this from a few business models/perspectives as in relationships. First up there is:

An exclusivity agreement as a contract between two or more entities to exclusively deal with each other regarding a specific area of business. It usually doesn't establish a relationship between two businesses, but rather takes it to the next level of commitment. An exclusivity agreement can also exist between two people in regard to some sort of business intercourse they will share together.

The essential feature of an exclusivity agreement is the covenant to not engage in a particular business activity with other parties for a specified period of time. The agreement usually restricts only one of the parties. This typically occurs in vertical buyer/seller relationship where a buyer agrees to buy exclusively from the seller. Or a manufacturer could agree to ship its products through only a certain distributor. Less common is the bilateral agreement that puts conditions on both parties.

In addition to buyer/seller relationships, exclusivity agreements sometimes come into play during business acquisitions. Because there can be heated competition and competing bids for a company, an acquiring company that makes progress in negotiations can have its target sign an exclusivity agreement preventing it from entertaining other offers from competitors. Individuals may enter into an exclusivity agreement when they agree to list their house exclusively with a real estate agency.

Exclusivity agreements create stability in a business relationship, which in turn provides predictability. The ability to foresee future costs and project business relationships is crucial to operating a large company. An exclusivity agreement shuts out competition, which tends to let costs stabilize and allows for a confident and efficient allocation of noncapital resources.

Within an exclusivity agreement there may be other terms, such as confidentiality, access to relevant data and conditions for termination. Once two businesses get in bed together, they may become privy to information about each other that could be valuable to the competition. But, at the same time, a certain level of cooperation might be necessary to maximize the synergy of the two companies. The exclusivity agreement can be tailored to the needs of the moment as well as future inevitabilities. Sometimes the agreement can be broken at any time, but with a penalty. In other cases it might be periodically renegotiated, or terminated upon certain conditions.

This is how I see where this is going. It will be business as usual unless I make my starting point one and equal within what is best for all. The practical point to walk would be an equality agreement within an unequal reality. Which is impossible. So at this point in space and time within a 'relationship' it would require two people to live two lives in space and time. One would be equal with one another. The other would require a definition and a spot where one would walk within the territory of predators in complete separation. 

From all these perspectives and my experiences from the past I can only keep reminding myself to see reality as all of us struggling to be exclusive within standard fucknesslessness.


2012 Medipulation of the spotted mind

Job Interview
I'm having a job interview tomorrow and I'm thinking about it. Meditating on it some would say. The work, the distance, the money, my dog, time management, priorities, freedoms etc. tetc. Again I'm confronted with countless ways to disappear within my mind as thoughts I'm apparently free to think. The surge of secret thoughts that flow by and the emotions they trigger as fears.

This mindfuck that's called meditation or 'thinking about 'some-thing'. Whatever name I give this mechanism, It's never about what I am meditating on it's about what I do as meditation. Mental discipline? WTF why? It makes no sense for it will not bring forth anything more than structured thoughts. Concepts that could be applied in a structured world. My meditating is like calibrating my program to function optimal with the other programs. Meditation-callibration will get me to the point after interruption called reality until my code is 'clean' until fully functional for the system to benefit. Until that moment I will be rebooting myself time after time again like I did a billion years before. It makes no fucking sense at all.

 - 'thoughts'-  - ought's - out to be - electric buzzing bees.

I used to smoke weed. That's where you puff and disappear within this sea of endless possabilities as thoughts. Floating on this ocean of electrical impulses coming from within. Like stepping of the train in amsterdam on a saturday in june. It's that surge of energy that can completely overwhelm the hereness as me breathing at the stand. 

My thoughts can only move me if my body cooperates. Thoughts are valued as well. Thoughts have labels and barcodes. They are chit-chat, bullshit, a waste of time, entertainment, strategies, business concepts and moneymakers par definition. That's the way I have been meditating through life. Not looking at my thoughts but becoming them. Identifying with them. Valuing them and reacting to them. Allowing myself to become depressed by them. Fearing them. Projecting them, abusing them to abuse others. 

Writing out my thoughts
Often I see myself as this warlord and my thoughts as innocent children I turn into soldiers simply because I'm allowing it to happen. As within so without. I'm permanently fucking with myself using knowledge and information to manipulate the world around me. From the moment I started to think, started to meditate I was on it. Crying like a baby became arguing for my limitations, which turned into my personality that manipulated me through 'life'. Thoughts that pray have nothing on hands that do the work to survive. The result of what I think this existence to be is completely unacceptable. Does that justify my thought that 'the way' we think is completely flawed? 

I'm having a job interview tomorrow and there will be mutual interest and understanding followed by making it work.

Or not. 
mikel-k restart


2012 the fifty thousand 'special ones'

Special education
Yesterday more than 50 000 Dutch teachers went on strike and filled the Amsterdam Arena. It was the biggest strike in dutch national history within the educational system. The Dutch government says it has to cut costs and although they (abstractly speaking) spared education, education now has to cut costs as well. 300 million euro's within the area of 'special education'. Meaning children with so called 'special needs'.

Teachers emphasized on the fact it was not about their income our jobs. It was about the quality and care fore those children. They where taking a stand as teachers guarding the responsibility they have as teachers within the educational system. A 'good' government should 'praise' this group of people because they go on strike on behalf of their accepted responsibility within society instead of their self interest. The teachers where even prepared to drop a raise in salary for part of the group that performed above average. This is quite unique in Dutch history. Back to those so called 'special needs'. What 'special needs'? There is this group of children and they are special and secondly they have needs. Am I missing something? This could apply to every individual or group in society. If you define parameters to groups you are automatically able to define such groups as special. Marketing does it all the time. We do it all the time. It's us that build the social structure. It's hard to see because it's within us and the way we all behave within the hive.

Soft versus hardware
Special education is simply a designed or designated target group like all others. Meaning that through the media I'm looking at part of the structure that is the structured systems. Because the system is based on profit this group is identifiable as 'not profitable'. It doesn't return enough on investment and has lost function within the system. Apparently the teachers 'see' something the majority is not yet aware of. The painful point within this and all the other discussions about money is the available solutions. The whole discussion is polarized through political motives advertised through the media to distract us from what these teachers 'see'. Cut costs here, cut costs there, discussions on television… All that jabber through the media advertises us away from the truth and the fact that there is only one cause and one simple solution to the problem.

This is not about Education. It's about profit! Within this scenario those 'special' children would not get educated, fall out of the system and start to roam the streets like they do in India, Brazil, Africa, etc. Then it's no longer a problem of education it will be a problem of criminality (it's how you manipulate a political agenda). What's cheaper? Education or homeland security? Politicians have known the answer for thousands of years. Educated societies are stable societies. So why? Where does this need for instability come from? Why is no journalist asking this simple question? It proves the connection between education and the media as part of the commercial machine within a profit based information system. A system that's not capable of taking care of this planet.

All work and no software updates
Instability eventually turns into chaos and chaos is where few make most. Without proper education humans become highly manipulable zombies. Where does that leave you in a world based on knowledge and information ruled by feelings and emotions of political polarity. Dare to ask yourself why we never had peace on this earth despite all the knowledge and information available to us? There is a great difference between a contract and an agreement. Humanity has locked itself up in courtrooms fighting over individual contracts that define specialness instead of coming to agreement on what's best for all. We have to acknowledge 'special needs' as all as one. Equality makes 'specialness' obsolete. No need for 'special needs', institutes, people, politicians, cars, stars and stripes. Conflict is always a fight over self declared specialness.

Understand that this 'specialness' is programmed into us as our ego as software and used to create polarity deceiving you into conflict that will eventually kill for profit. Do we bleed special blood or do we bleed just like those 'special children' with 'special needs'? More and more people wake up to these points as reality becomes more explicit. Take some time to investigate the options we have with Equal Money because it's such an elegant and simple solution. Maybe a bit hard to understand because we where educated to believe we live in a complex world. Eventually it will be 'equality' or death that ends 'specialness'.

What would happen if all teachers stop instead of 50 000 special ones?

12 21 12, 2012, 21 december 12, dec 12 2012, december 12 2011, december 12 doomsday, december 21 2012.


2012 Chaos and the end of education

The best teachers and schools don't exist where they're needed most
During a keynote in 2010 Sugata Mitra addressed a few pressing subjects regarding the future of Education which he calls "The child-driven education". Amongst others he pointed out that if you draw circles around places where good teachers won't go, those are the places where 'trouble' comes from. An ironic problem isn't it?

Good teachers don't want to go (don't get paid to go) to places where they're needed most. At the same time our children are dropping out of school and we can't teach them to deal with their own minds because we don't know how to do that ourselves! The greatest fuck up in the world today is the abuse of children within this essential point of education where the great divide between leaders and followers is created. Why are we surprised that our children cannot handle the dynamics of reality? Our reality! As I see it present education should be called 'child abuse'. How can I justify the brainwashing of my child based on the current system that's not supporting life? This point is beyond religion or politics. I simply can't.

Children will learn to do what they want to learn to do.
Suga Mitra did an experiment, which was a very simple experiment. He basically embedded a computer into a wall of a slum in New Delhi. The children there barely went to school, they didn't know any English, they'd never seen a computer before, and they didn't know what the internet was. He connected high speed internet to the computer, turned it on and left it there. Interesting things started to happen. The experiment was repeated all over India and a large part of the world. What was noticed was that children will learn to do what they want to learn to do.

You see this eight year old boy teaching his student, a six year old girl how to browse. In a Rajasthan village the children recorded their own music and then played it back to each other and in the process, they've enjoyed themselves thoroughly. They did all of this in four hours after seeing the computer for the first time. In another South Indian village, these boys had assembled a video camera and were trying to take a photograph of a bumble bee 14 days after the computer was put in their village. At the end Suga concluded that groups of children can learn to use computers and the internet on their own, irrespective of who or where they were.

At this point they decided to see what else children could do with a computer. So they started off with an experiment in Hyderabad India, where a group of children (that spoke English with a very strong Telugu accent) where given a computer with a speech-to-text interface. The children where asked to speak into it. When they spoke into it, the computer typed out gibberish, so they said, "It doesn't understand anything of what we are saying." The children where told the computer would be there for two months. "Good luck making yourself understood to the computer." The children asked "How?" They didn't got an answer and Suga left. Two months later (this is documented) the accents had changed and were remarkably close to the neutral British accent. Children could do that on their own no problemo. Teachers that read this will start to hear a lot of back chat right now lol.

A teacher that can be replaced by a machine should be
A lot of experiments where done with children in india in order to stimulate learning on their own. At one point even the late Arthur C. Clarke got involved. He said two interesting things.

1"A teacher that can be replaced by a machine should be (isn't this hilarious).

2"If children have interest, then education happens."

With children, when you've got interest, you have education. I know this for a fact from my own experience. Children will climb the highest mountain without complaining if they are interested to do so.

After Suga got funded from Newcastle university he set up another experiment in India where he set himself an impossible target: can Tamil speaking 12-year-old children in a South Indian village teach themselves biotechnology in English on their own? 26 children where called in and where told that there was some really difficult stuff on this computer. The stuff was in English and that was it.

He left the children with that computer. When he came back after two months, the 26 children marched in very, very quiet. He asked them, "did you look at any of the stuff?" They said, "Yes, we did." "Did you understand anything?" No, nothing they said. So Suga asked "how long did you guys practice on it before you decided you understood nothing?" They said, "We looked at it every day." So, "For two months, you were looking at stuff you didn't understand?" At this point a 12 year-old girl raises her hand and says, literally, "Apart from the fact that improper replication of the DNA molecule causes genetic disease, we've understood nothing."

I rest my case... - ! -

One of the referees in England who refereed the papers said, "It's too good to be true". A typical remark from a brainwashed contemporary teacher full of ego. Anyway one of the girls in the village had taught herself to become the teacher. The scores had gone up from zero to 30 percent, which is an educational impossibility under the circumstances. But 30 percent is not a pass. So Suga needed help. A friend, a local accountant. Suga asked a local girl he was playing footbal with if she would teach the children enough biotechnology to pass? She asked how would I do that? I don't know the subject. Suga said, "use the method of the grandmother." What's that? "Well, what you do is stand behind the children and admire them all the time. Just say to them, That's cool. That's fantastic. What is that? Can you do that again? Can you show me some more? She did that for two months. The scores went up to 50, which is what the posh schools of New Delhi, with a trained biotechnology teacher were getting!

The Grandmother methode
Back in Newcastle with the results there was something happening that definitely was getting very serious. So, having experimented in all sorts of remote places, Suga came to the most remote place that he could think of. Approximately 5,000 miles from Delhi is the little town of Gateshead (England). In Gateshead, he took 32 children and started to fine-tune the method. He made groups of four and said, "You make your own groups of four. Each group of four can use one computer. Remember, from the Hole in the Wall. "You can exchange groups. You can walk across to another group, if you don't like your group, etc. You can go to another group, peer over their shoulders, see what they're doing, come back to your own group and claim it as your own work." And he explained to them that a lot of scientific research is done using that method.

The children enthusiastically asked, "what do you want us to do?" he gave them six GCSE questions. The first group -- the best one -- solved everything in 20 minutes. The worst, in 45. They used everything that they knew -- news groups, Google, Wikipedia, Ask Jeeves, etc. The teachers said, "Is this deep learning?" Suga said, "let's try. I'll come back after two months and do a paper test so no computers, no talking to each other, etc." The average score when done with the computers and the groups was 76 percent. When he did the paper test, after two months, the score was 76 percent! There was photographic recall inside the children, probably because the children were discussing with each other. A single child in front of a single computer will not do that.

Other results where almost unbelievable. Scores going up with time. Because after the session is over, the children continue to 'Google'. In Britain, he put out a call for British grandmothers. British Grandmothers, vigorous people. British grandmothers, 200 of them volunteered immediately. The deal was that they would give Suga one hour of broadband time, sitting in their homes, one day a week. So they did that, and over a period of two years, over 600 hours of instruction has happened over Skype, using what Suga's students call the granny cloud. The granny cloud sits over there. Suga can beam them to whichever school he want to. Back at Gateshead, a 10-year-old girl gets into the heart of Hinduism in 15 minutes and tells us things we never heard of before. Two children watch a TEDTalk. They wanted to be footballers. After watching eight TEDTalks, they wants to become Leonardo da Vinci. It's pretty simple stuff.

This is what Suga is building now and he calls it SOLEs: Self Organized Learning Environments. The furniture is designed so that children can sit in front of big, powerful screens, big broadband connections, but in groups. If they want, they call the granny cloud.

Suga went to Turin. He sent all the teachers away from a group of 10 year-old students. He said I only speak English, they spoke only Italian, so no 'language' to communicate. Suga started writing English questions on the blackboard. The children looked at it and said, "What?" He said, "Well, do it." They typed it into Google, translated it into Italian, went back into Italian Google. Fifteen minutes later, next question: where is Calcutta? This one, they did in 10 minutes. He tried a really hard one on them. Who was Pythagoras, and what did he do? There was silence for a while, then they said, "You've spelled it wrong. It's Pitagora." And then, in 20 minutes, the right-angled triangles began to appear on the screens.

We are talking about 10 year-olds here!!!

We've just stumbled across that what humans have inside their DNA. Being part of a self-organizing system. A self-organizing system is one where a structure appears without (apparent) explicit intervention from the 'outside'. Self-organizing systems also always show emergence, where the system starts to do things, which it was never designed for. Which is why you react the way you do, because it looks impossible! Just watch 'The Matrix' again on that one.

Critical mass
By now you should see that 'education' could be a self-organizing system, where learning is simply part of our 'natural' expression, our culture. It emerges from us 'the organism'. Yes this will take far to much time to prove because the educational system as it exists is based on making money based on industrial principles dating back to the first factory's.

There is so much money pushing the current system. It's really unbelievable. So it will take us a few years to wake up to these points. My point is that we as Destonians are already ringing the bell! In the mean time, there is a method available. One billion children and their parents. That means you too. 100 million mediators are needed and there are many more than that on the planet. Let's wake the fuck up and act! Demand something of ourselfs within this point and Demand that same thing from the teachers teaching our children.

The experiments of people like Suga Mitra (and many more) prove that there is more than meets the eye and 'thinking' you know about education is plain stupid because, take a look. Who educated us? Who got us thinking? This world is coming to a point where we have to make some tough choices. Do we go left or right. As parents we can't afford to let the system run it's course. That course will take us over a cliff called 'back in time'. Allready we are confronted with devastating consequences directly related to poor education. Let's make a stand. Stand up for equality, equal money and Education of self. Investigate Desteni and discover the solution.

Also read MatterFreeman's post: