
What school didn’t teach me...

No questions asked
Growing up as a kid we all come to a point where for the first time we start to ask why?
Why is the sky blue daddy?
Where do children come from mommy?
Why are there girls?
Why are there boys?
How much does the sky weigh?
What is a god?
Why do people pray?
Why must we go to church?
Why can’t I play outside?
Why can’t people leave other people alone?
What is time?
Why is the moon sometimes out in the day?
Why did god let my dog die?
Why does my best friend have two mums?

Most children ask parents questions they stopped asking themselves a long time ago or they simply don’t give a fuck. Maybe an answer came from there parents and they never questioned that answer in the first place. Maybe because they where shit scared of their parents. And so the big journey of questions begins (if we belong to the chosen few that get educated in this world). We go to school with the promise of education and will be given ‘all’ the answers, the answers of us all. I got my answers to this world but not all of them.
Why mommy?

Meet ‘the teacher’
We look up to him or her for she rules the class and all the classes before us. We look around into the eyes of all the other children and all we see is the same confusion. Thoughts racing so hard we all forget what was there when we saw a bumblebee for the first time expressing his daily routine with the flowers. We meet bullies, stress, goals, competence, group pressure, targets and results. Sounds familiar doesn’t it? We meet fear because for the first time we become aware that we have to be part of a result driven group, a mechanism, a system. Free will doesn’t exist. One is either in or out. There is no choice!

From this moment on the suppression begins, and instead of expanding you start to implode. The infusion has begun and there is nothing you can do. You are now officially thrown into the deep pool of information including your bag full of questions that where never answered. Now as you grow older and you become of knowledge a strange thing happens.

You begin to start asking existential questions again or somebody you know will ask you. And at this point we are all fucked. All the answers we get mysteriously relate back to the past, to each other, TV, knowledge and information. And please don’t ask questions about the future we all know what happens.

Yes it’s genius because it’s the mirror of education we all have in front of our eyes. It colours everything you see, do, feel, say or have an opinion about. Education has nothing to do with you and who you are here in the present.The thoughts going through your mind right now? You think it’s all you? Remember all that shit came from the outside not from within.

“You think that’s air you are  breathing” says Morpheus to Neo.

The question
So we hide behind beliefs build an ego to protect and defend the precious information and secrets we call ourselves in this world. We keep gathering information because that’s where we think the power comes from. Well indeed it does. We charge and consume because that’s exactly what the system requires to exist. So, is that what I am, a little dynamo spinning a long? Is that what became of that little boy that had no fear, no grudge, no hate or self pity. Yes that’s what happened.

I became my knowledge and information and if I don’t stop it I will simply keep infusing myself. I will pass the past on to my child like my parents did before me, for what? There is nobody to blame but myself. What was done to my parents was done unto me. So please stop living in the past, stop this fuckup and start educating our children. If your child starts asking questions that you can’t answer. Or maybe ‘you think’ you have the right answers. Look again. There is more to the questions than you ‘think’. It’s your child trying to find out what the hell he or she is doing here... Hell yeah. If heaven was above and hell bellow than we are all living there isn't it. The hell bellow means down to earth. Right here right now. Welcome to hell.

See what would happen if we would listen to what children are expressing! I know, that’s not how the world works. Ask yourself, if we would have to establish heaven on earth do we go with the children or do we continue down this road of grown ups?

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