
Reminding myself

Veno: There’s two ‘types’ of questioning

1. When you have that experiencing/movement within you – of ‘there’s something gravely/greatly ‘wrong’ with this world – and you start questioning your reality – this questioning comes from within you as you and not of the mind – asking questions from the perspective of questioning your own reality – the ‘programming’ / ‘conditioning’ of your mind systems are beginning to fail and you’re ‘breaking free’ from the program. When you start questioning your reality – you move ‘beyond’ your fears and boundaries and allow yourself to explore and expand.

And you’re not always going to ‘like’ the answer you receive here – because you’re ‘out of’ the ‘program’ of the mind – and thus not everyone will always agree with the perspectives given.

2. When you start questioning from the perspective of confirming your own reality – this is of the mind. Confirming your fears, confirming your beliefs – because you’re manipulating to get answers that confirm your reality.

Getting my priorities straight

- Money-work-time
- Reading 'the material'
- Addiction points and patterns
- Blogging in english
- Srat January
- Workin on/towards agreement with J.
- Coming together in love as equality as one
- Our children
- Stabilizing myself within an agreement

So, there will be lots of questions to be answered. These issues cannot be adressed in weeks. They will have to be dealt with in time, in relation to insights within the nesseseary timeframe. Asking myself the right questions will speed up these processes significantly. The complexity of my 'proffesional' situation is the most stressfull influence at the moment. This has to be dealt with first.

The next coming week will be an important one as far as 'income' is concerned.
Have to do some serious 'matrix' action. Focus and be perfect in a proffesional sense. Asking the right questions applies here most definitly.

Going to take a shower now

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