
Day-032-"space chimp will work for food"

Sehr geehrte Herr Lammers,
für Ihr Interesse an unserem Unternehmen und die Zusendung der Unterlagen möchten wir uns hiermit herzlich bedanken.

Sicherlich können Sie sich vorstellen, dass sich eine Vielzahl von Interessenten für unsere Stelle beworben haben.
Die Entscheidung fiel uns nicht leicht, aber leider müssen wir Ihnen mitteilen, dass wir uns für einen anderen Mitbewerber entschieden haben.

Wir wünschen Ihnen für Ihren weiteren beruflichen Werdegang alles Gute.

Dear Mr. Lammers,
thank you for your interest in our company and the supplied references and documents we would like to hereby thank you for your efforts.
Surely you can imagine that a large number of interested parties have applied for this job opening. The decision was not easy for us, but unfortunately we have to inform you that we have opted for another competitor.
We wish you all the best for your future career endeavors. 

Coming from the field of communications this response holds no secrets. It's part of standard operating procedures and is pulled out of the corporate database where it's filed as a standard letter somewhere in  the human resource corporate communications directory.

It's a response to me applying for a job. And the guy or girl that is responsible for communicating this stuff is like any other employee bound to the same operating procedures. Having an 8 hour workday and having to spend at least six of them as billable hours. You are not able to get personal with 250 applicants if you are on a timed budget. 

Look around and one will see that reality is ever more becoming a reflection of these standard operating procedures. They are surfacing everywhere and at the same time companies would like us to believe that they take us personal. No they will not and they cannot. It's impossible if you have more customers than the people in your street. 

Suppose I would have gotten the job I would have to learn how to speak this company specific dialect as well. I worked for company's that had 40 pages of house rules. Part of operating procedures. It makes no difference where you are in this reality. You can only make a living in this system if you are profitable and that means that one will become part of the win-loose equation and like all gamblers in a casino there will be only losers. We live in a world with less casinos and more gamblers. The pool of losers is only getting bigger. Applying for a job these days feels like betting a last penny on a one armed bandit. I never really had to apply for jobs. I more or less came and got a job. I feel ashamed that I'm part of a system that communicates via standard operating procedures realizing that it has been like that from the beginning of time as the construct of self interest. 

The more profit flows to less people the bigger the pool of losers becomes until only the sea of misery remains. We will see that we where programmed according to standard operating procedures and thus created a standard outcome which is a sea of misery. With this much unemployment at the moment it becomes clear that there is to much labour product and very little demand. So for those operating the procedures specific talent has never been this cheap. This will speed up the process we see unfolding. Meat is cheap and it will bring out the carnivores.

We will see exactly the right people getting exactly the right jobs because it becomes very easy to find pieces for the puzzles. It will speed up and intensify the corporate wars. The army's will be better equipped. This will force old soldiers to work underground or become mercenaries in order to survive.

It's so clear that the only solution to prevent global chaos and suffering is a basic income in order to keep things stable. The third world war that is raging is based on cash-flow. This is the time where bullets are just fireworks for distraction. Nord Korea a diversion. Battles are determined by how many people I can keep immobilized in front of the tv by showing reality soaps that are far from reality. Letting the monkeys watch the monkeys is the cheapest way of keeping them dump, speechless and in their cages. 

This is my third recession and in every one of them I have worked for companies that did not survive the periods of economic downfall. It's so painful to see the amounts of energy and suffering that is created in order to make money. There is enough money in this world to make  everyone a millionaire. If 10% of the worlds population would stop participating within these standard operating procedures we would create enough critical mass to destroy them. The question is how do I remain part of that 10%? Instead of that monkey on top of a rocket.

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