
Day-030-"Cheer the fuck up"

Within doing the DIP Lite I was looking at how I have lived the word 'cheerful' and what I observed was amongst others a close relationship between the word 'cheerful' and the word 'holiday'. As long as I can remember the biggest resistance in my life growing up was going to school. The thing I loved to do most was not going to school. Live without that 'responsibility'.

So from my perspective 'cheerfulness' seems to be related to getting something, to be rewarded with something. Like a release, a burden lifted from my shoulders. I got the job. I did well on my exam. I can finally walk. It's not as bad as I thought it would be. I won the lottery. To me it's a release of positivity. As a kid nothing would make me more cheerful than the summer holidays. That moment when I walked out of the schoolyard on a hot summers day knowing that my private projects would not be disturbed by the imprisonment of school for a long time (that's how I experienced myself within it). 

Being relieved from the nightmare of school always made me cheerful. Everything would become easier. I would feel light on my feet. From my present perspective I can see that that was halve the story. Me being this energetic and hysterical was simply the expansion of positive energy after the compression of negative energy sitting in the classroom grinding my teeth the whole day for weeks in a row. Why I hated school so much is something I absolutely have to investigate. 

This mechanism where I went from the negative to the positive in relation to school is exactly the same mechanism I accepted within my 'working career'. I realise there is a reason we call it a school. It's merging with the herd becoming part of a troop and getting lectured permanently. Would a child do this voluntarily?

I found myself applying for my firts job at 21 and I got a well payed first job. As I got older I started to experience the jobs as stressful mental experiences at advertising agencies. In fact no different than the basic experience of myself in school. I have seen that it was all about the money and being in advertising/marketing made it schizophrenic to say the least. I have seen what paying bills was like for my parents and that stress about money is the Nr.1 cause of death. I feared these insights. I have suppressed my fears and the experience of myself within it completely.  

So in my working career (in times where the economy still had room to blow) the energetics would sort of be 'under control' meaning ignored. I was not rich nor poor. I got by, slowly allowing myself to drown in my daily routine consumed by work as I tried to stay on the game. This is how grumpy old men are born. I allowed myself to become this compressed spring of negativity. I was an adrenaline junkie so I would of coarse try to release the tension and compensate this negativity with thrills or by suppressing it with cannabis or both in short succession.

So cheerfulness for me is simply the flip side of depression and vice versa. I can bring it all back to my summer holidays. The high of expansion when the holidays started. The way down as compression as the holidays came to an end. Within this it's interesting to observe the post holiday play outs within our relationships. We all sort of travels a long this up and down scale of stress and relaxation and within this energetic game of ping pong we sometimes experience ourselves as this physical relaxation. We become aware of the stress on a physical level and start to notice how fucking tensed up we are. This can be a shocking realization. Like I had when I had my first yoga lesson after my first burn out. I'm not surprised people often get heart attacks within the first few days of their vacations. I think those are simply shocking realizations of meeting the physical during a brake from the mind program. The pressure drops and the whole thing pops.

I did not die during holidays. I jumped of bridges. I ride my bike as fast as I could. I went climbing and did stupid things in general. All to create that buzz of adrenaline to prep myself because somewhere inside the pressure cooker was the reality of having to get back out there that self created framework of the daily routine. Work! Making money! The CONversations I had about my holidays speak for themselves. The post holiday depression is a sign of pure decadence and self diminishment. I'm looking at myself as a happiness machine.

Ones the word 'cheerful' was an expression of sheer self enjoyment. Getting my hands full of mud for the first time or my first whistle. Or the first time I rode a bike. As a toddler I connected no 'values' to these experiences. They where enjoyable physical experiences. Over time merging with these patterns I have allowed myself to become stress that needs a release. In fact it's like walking. It looks like something but one is actually falling from one step to the other. In that sense life is permanently unstable and I accepted that as the daily reality of me. Without the Desteni material I would not have been able to see these point. How would I have been able to see if all I do is make projections? All because I was educated to value positivity more than negativity.

I have payed enough attention in school to know that 1+1=2 and I see and realize that the second one has to come from somewhere. So if I focus on using my resources to generate more positive energy I'm actually creating negative energy by depleting my resources. SO the more I focus on this so called happiness or cheerful state of mind the bigger my depression or loopback is going to be. It's strange how I never saw behind the veil of such a simple equation. From this perspective it makes sense that if one is not participating in cheerfulness this will often trigger a negative response. "What's wrong?", "Why don't you join the party?", "Are you depressed?". I see it as simple science. If I'm more charged and expanded than my surroundings my surroundings will have to adapt in order to balance out my presence. I read somewhere that a lot of stand up comedians are primarily depressed and if this is so it makes total sense to me. 

So friday comes and I see myself having that stiff drink. Ad a little alcohol to the mix and it becomes painfully clear how fucked we are within this permanent polarity play. It becomes clear that I'm nothing more than an induction engine producing positive energy thus mining the negative creating holes of negative space that will have to collapse sooner or later. If that happens then they are the earthquakes that rippled through my life. Engines create friction so eventually they wear out. That's exactly what I am doing. I run until I run no more.

To me this makes clear that striving for this cheerfulness or positive energy is exactly the same as drilling for oil. It has to come from somewhere and it will leave an empty space at the same time it will cost some to get it. So striving for positivity will create more negativity because it needs 'investment'. To lend money will cost money it's that simple. So when I meet someone who is depressed I can only conclude that I'm looking at the manifested consequence of my own cheerful incentives and when I allow myself to feel depressed I'm simply experiencing a cold turkey moment of being without my positivity dope. Missing the most elemental point that is me here breathing.

Within this I see realize and understand that it's of utmost importance to become stable and to remain stable. To observe myself and not allow myself to fool myself in thinking that doing my job or taking a brake is to be judged like I judge everything all the time as a positive or negative. That stability means to be here within every breath able to observe myself within these energy play outs between the positive and negative within my reality in the first place. How can I act if I do not see? 

Within this I see and realize that every time I make an investment the money has to come from somewhere. Every cheerful moment will create it's opposite as debt and as long as debt is there I will have to pay my interest. That's how this system works. So positivity like lending money is something I consume and it will consume me doing so. It's the law.

Within this perspective I experience myself a bit lost because I'm part of that system that is going haywire as we speak because more people want to feel positive so the production of negativity is going through the roof. This happens with devastating consequences that are already starting to manifest explicitly. Reality as such is collapsing and the holes are too big to be filled. We all see this and are so scared of these black holes of negativity that we look the other way. Like all others I'm faced with these points and the way I have participated within this. I'm part of the problem and I can see that I'm responsible for my part of the fuckup. Taking responsibility that's another story though.

So here I am this spiritual positivity junkie that's looking for the positive experience together with other junkies and the drugs are running out. What happens when drugs run out and everyone present is a junkie?

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to develop a resistance towards school.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to develop a resistance towards education.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to develop a resistance towards institutes of education and knowledge

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to develop a resistance towards teachers and figures of authority in general

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to develop a resistance towards ambition and ambitious people judging them as collaborators with the powers that enslave not seeing realizing that within doing so I'm enslaving myself by giving all my power and self direction away to the mind

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to develop a resistance towards repetition and discipline not seeing realizing that I am actually a robot that is repeating himself disciplined in every possible way lol

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to connect cheerfulness with succeeding thus with money

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not see realize that to connect cheerfulness to success to money is to connect depression with debt

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to program myself and become automated within my reactions as happiness where I automatically experience happiness when I receive reward in whatever form be it a compliment or an physical achievement and within that I forgive myself for not seeing realizing that this hysterical expression of happiness is a positive feeling I am able to transcend to satisfaction as the expression of getting the job done and give to myself as I would like to receive without connecting getting a job done to reward or value within the construct of happiness.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to connect happiness to reward or forms of payment or compensation for time and or money invested seeing realizing that making happiness part of the money system is creating debt thus sadness as well

I commit myself to when and as I see myself go to the feeling state of happiness breath and bring myself here to investigate the energetic nature of this happiness within and as the addiction to positivity and within that remind myself that there is nothing 'wrong' with self enjoyment as long as this is not at the cost of others io words giving it to myself as I would like to receive.

1 comment:

Mike Lammers said...

Parents should be ABLE to EXplain why clowns are not meant to make you laugh. Rather a mirror/test to see the amount of psychopathy that exists within the little devils we are!